Black Leadership Drops the Ball on Minority AIDS Epidemic

Press Release /
While thousands of experts on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are meeting in Geneva, Switzerland for the World AIDS Conference, many are asking heads of state and other world leaders -- particularly those in Africa -- to build the courage ...

Marion Barry: Last of the Black Emperors, by Kimberley Wilson

Project 21 Commentary /
On May 21, 1998, Marion Barry announced to the world that he would not be a candidate for a fifth term as mayor of Washington, D.C. I hardly know whether to laugh or cry. Marion and the city of Washington ...

Morality Over Money, by Mike Ramey

Project 21 Commentary /
I recently saw a very interesting and funny video entitled "Afros and Bellbottoms." It featured the well-known African-American comic and television talk show host Sinbad. I'll admit I was a bit skeptical. With many comics making fortunes by tossing around ...

What Scriptures Tell Us About Environmental Stewardship, by Samuel Casey Carter

Now that secular liberalism has all but driven orthodox religion out of public life, it should come as no surprise that heterodox spirituality has become the latest battering ram of the left. In a time when the Bible has been ...

80% of the Public Isn’t Wrong: Big Law is Overpaid

If 80% of the public holds the same view on an issue, wouldn't you think the politicians would take notice? You'd think so ­ unless campaign contributions or the chance to look good in front of a camera are involved ...

Alar Redux: Hollywood Peddles Shaky Science Once Again

You remember the Alar Scare -- when Hollywood actress Meryl Streep, an environmental group peddling junk science and an irresponsibly biased interview by CBS's 60 Minutes caused panicky parents all over America to stop buying apples. Apple growers lost at ...

Sun to Blame for Global Warming, by John Carlisle

Those looking for the culprit responsible for global warming have missed the obvious choice - the sun. While it may come as a newsflash to some, scientific evidence conclusively shows that the sun plays a far more important role in ...

The Quincy Library Group: So-Called “Consensus” Forest Plan Lacks Consensus, Violates Rights

Since the House of Representatives approved the Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery and Economic Stability Act of 1997 (H.R. 858) by an overwhelming margin last July, many have hailed the process that created the bill as a model for resolving ...

Blacks Say New Study Gives Cause for State of Emergency Over Minority Reading Skills

Press Release /
Responding to the shocking results of a study on educational quality in New York State, members of the African-American leadership network Project 21 are calling for a state of emergency to be declared to address the reading capabilities of minority ...

Political Money Monitor #17: May 29, 1998

*** California Primary Special ***When California voters cast their ballots in their state primary on Tuesday, June 2, they will decide the fate of Proposition 226, the "paycheck protection" ballot initiative. If passed, Proposition 226 (also known as the "Campaign ...