Contents* AFL-CIO Hopes to Spend Big Bucks in 1998 Elections * Paycheck Protection Popular Among Union Members * Wealthiest Americans Miserly on Campaign Contributions * Unions Begin Broadcast Campaign Against Paycheck Protection * New Releases From The National Center AFL-CIO ...
Contents* New Act Would Transfer Funds from Several Federal Programs to Local Classroom * Kyl Commended for Supporting Seniors' Rights * Public Mum on Critical Issue * Save Social Security: Enact a Balanced Budget Amendment * Administration Helps PRC * ...
Inner-city public schools are like a sinking ship, and the children on board need to be rescued before it's too late. Their schools are sinking fast and educational opportunities are being lost. Roofs leak. Boilers are busted. Science and computer ...
udge Wright said today in her decision that extensive evidence of other women being subjected to harassment by Mr. Clinton and considerable supression of evidence fail to present a case worthy of a jury. We respectfully but firmly disagree. Judge ...
In light of yesterday's surprising decision by Judge Wright to grant President Clinton's motion for summary judgement, Paula Jones will take several days in which to consider her options. Accordingly, her legal team will not be announcing her intentions regarding ...
Contents* Pastor Criticizes Interior Department Effort that Could Halt Entry of Religious Materials into China * Babbitt Rewards Employee for Alleged Illegal Activity, Says Senator * Armed Guards Needed as Congressmen Bust Sweatshop * It's a Crime if White House ...
Labor union leaders are having a difficult time organizing opposition in California to Proposition 226, the "Campaign Reform Initiative." Unable to convince a majority of members that they should continue to allow unregulated union use of a portion of their ...
Policymakers have been arguing for nearly a decade over what to do about global warming. Noticeably missing from this debate has been any mention of the fact that natural fluctuations in the Earth's temperature, not Man, is the likely explanation ...
April 22, 1998 marks the 28th annual Earth Day celebration, but like many other people of color I will not be celebrating. To me, Earth Day is merely an annual reminder of the environmental movement's insensitivity to the needs and ...
Contents* Wyoming Enacts "Paycheck Protection" * Strong Support for "No Taxpayer Money for Politics" * AFL-CIO Raises Member Dues to Fight Paycheck Protection * Business Association Endorses Paycheck Protection/California Initiative * AFL-CIO Asked to Help Stop Anti-Initiative Violence Wyoming Enacts ...