Last December, Stephen Tvedten of Marne, Michigan received a terse letter from Michigan's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) informing him that he was in violation of the state's Environmental Protection Act. His alleged offense? Building two "wood debris" dams across ...
Members of the African-American leadership network Project 21 reject a recent Center for Disease Control and Prevention study on teen suicide that says African-American teens reared in upwardly mobile families are not able to cope with the "stressful" environment created ...
Contents * Worker Protections Gutted in Washington * Teachers Union Members Support "Paycheck Protection" * Teamster Leaders: Free Speech for Me, But Not for Thee * AFL-CIO Leaders Give Secret Testimony About Financial Wrongdoing * Pro- and Anti-Proposition 226 Campaigns ...
Contents* New Riley-Salmon Bill Would Eliminate the Marriage Penalty in a Simple & Fair Way, Sponsor Says * New Bill Would End Legal Extortion of Local School Officials * New Push Begins for Tax Limitation Constitutional Amendment * Inhofe Reviews ...
Contents* It's Goodbye to Sport Utility Vehicles if the EPA Has Its Way * Honesty First Casualty of Newest Endangered Species Act * If You are Pro-Life You're Anti-Environment, Says Group * Senate May Act on Gallegley's Private Property Bill ...
Former Democratic congressman Floyd Flake of New York was recently uninvited to the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus Prayer Breakfast. Now, if anyone should be welcome at the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus Prayer Breakfast, it should be Floyd Flake. Rev. Flake ...
Legislators in Maryland will soon vote on a controversial new law that will essentially overturn a judge's decision dismissing 9 of 13 counts in the state's lawsuit against tobacco companies. Critics say it's a case of the plaintiff in a ...
Basketball all-star Latrell Sprewell, fired by his team and suspended from play for a year by the NBA for choking his coach, had his sentence reduced and contract reinstated by the ruling of a union-mandated arbitrator. While the sporting world ...
If federal spending and revenue trends of the last three years continue, the United States will be able to pay off its entire national debt in 15 years, says Wisconsin Congressman Mark Neumann. That's good news for everybody, but especially ...
It was a mystery to me how Bill Clinton enjoys such high approval ratings in light of all of the scandals surrounding his presidency. Jury duty helped put things in perspective. I spent last week at the District of Columbia ...