Search Results for: "Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America" executive summary

Project 21: Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America

Project 21: Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: It has been over a half-century since the enactment of landmark civil rights legislation targeting the scourge of racial discrimination. Unfortunately, too many black families today suffer from a non-racial scourge – conditions that undermine upward mobility and perpetuate unacceptable levels of poverty, crime and other social ills. The vaunted social safety net has become a web that ensnares black families in a vicious cycle of dependency ...
“Expert” Predictions No Substitute for Regulatory Safeguards Today

“Expert” Predictions No Substitute for Regulatory Safeguards Today /
“If the predictions of the environmental ‘experts’ and their models over the course of my life were true, I’d already be dead.” In a Townhall commentary, Project 21 member Derrick Hollie makes a compelling case against the Biden Administration’s interest ...
Project 21’s “Blueprint” Makes Fox Business Network

Project 21’s “Blueprint” Makes Fox Business Network /
In a recent panel discussion with Neil Cavuto on the Fox Business Network, Project 21 Co-Chairman Stacy Washington cited our “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America” as constructive tool for bring lawmakers together on issues that can really ...
Left “Marginalizing” Illegal Immigrants, But John Kelly is Deemed the Racist

Left “Marginalizing” Illegal Immigrants, But John Kelly is Deemed the Racist /
In the ongoing effort to sensationalize and demonize the Trump Administration, a rather mundane comment by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is being called “ignorant” and “racist” by the left-wing media. Project 21 Co-Chairman Horace Cooper, in an ...
Black Leaders Ask White House and Congressional Leadership  for a “Better Deal” for Black Americans

Black Leaders Ask White House and Congressional Leadership for a “Better Deal” for Black Americans

Press Release /
Project 21 Proposes Bold, Innovative Reforms to Promote Black Opportunity and Prosperity Washington, D.C. – Project 21, the black leadership network, has asked the White House and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office for a “better deal” for African-Americans, urging both ...

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