Year: 2004

Espresso Sarcasm: Parental Guidance Suggested

Norman at Espresso Sarcasm is posting a series on parenting advice. Definitely lives up to the blog's name -- although telling kids that chicken nuggets are made from the Easter Bunny so they'll be willing to eat something else seems ...

Christmas Sales

I just want to go on the record on this, the projected busiest shopping day of the year, with a prediction that, sometime in January, retailers will pronounce sales during the Christmas 2004 shopping season "disappointing." It seems to happen ...

Putin’s Russia: An Air of Politburo

Yukos Oil surrenders, as its top executives flee Russia. This story explains: Eight months into President Vladimir Putin's second term, momentum for economic reform in Russia has all but halted as vested Kremlin interests fight for control of the nation's ...

Debating Intelligence Reform: A Visit to the Rush Limbaugh Echo Chamber

Says Rush Limbaugh on the intelligence reform bill: Oh, woe is us! Oh, woe is America! The media obsessed today with: 'Why can't Congress agree on intelligence reform?' It's another non-story that's being blown up and ballyhooed... My first question ...

Negroes vs. Black Conservatives

Mychal Massie doesn't mince any words. Addendum: The Sparse Matrix is kind to Project 21 ...

Limbaugh Should Have Slugged a Black Quarterback

Let me get this straight. Rush Limbaugh loses his job at ESPN merely for saying the news media hopes black quarterbacks will do well. Meanwhile, NBA players slug their customers and only get suspended (yet still, their union complains) ...

Dean’s Journal: The Blind Acceptance of Anything “Government”

Dean's Journal fisks the indignant e-mail we received Monday from a college student regarding our non-government funded website ...

Squaring the Boston Globe: A Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving message was written by Harry Forbes at the Squaring the Boston Globe blog. As I read it, my mind's ear (if there is such a thing) began to hear it in Ronald Reagan's voice. It is that Reaganesque ...

The White Ann Coulter and Her Clone

I find it interesting that the journalist from the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot who called Michelle Malkin an "Asian Ann Coulter" used those words. Why didn't he just refer to Michelle as "another Ann Coulter"? After all, if Michelle Malkin is an ...

Arctic Warming — Or Not

Wondering if there is anything to the latest bit of Chicken Little global warming alarmism, to wit, the "news" that the Arctic is melting? Sean at Everything I Know Is Wrong tackles it for you ...

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