Peter’s Not Fonda Making Every Vote Legal

Actor Peter Fonda blatantly advocated vote fraud in tweet about millennial voting. This is just one reason why the voter integrity recommendations in the Project 21 black leadership network’s “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America” are so important.

In a now-deleted tweet that replied to concerns about low millennial voting predictions, Fonda – the son and brother of actors Henry and Jane, respectively – suggested:

If you have a millennial in your family, take their early ballots, fill them out and mail them in, or take the ballot to the voting place and give it to the officials… no more worrying!

This shocking suggestion recalls the actions of Melowese Richardson, an Ohio poll worker who was originally sentenced to five years in jail (later reduced to probation) after pleading guilty to four of eight counts of vote fraud. Like Fonda suggested parents start doing now, Richardson voted absentee for her granddaughter in 2012 because she was afraid her granddaughter wouldn’t make it to the polls. She did, and that led to Richardson getting caught. It was also discovered that Richardson voted in 2008, 2011 and 2012 for her sister who was comatose since 2003.

After Richardson was released early from prison, rather than being a pariah, she was hugged by Al Sharpton at a voting rally. It certainly doesn’t dissuade from the notion that liberals aren’t all that cognizant or serious about the problem of vote fraud.


Hence the need for strong policies designed to make sure every vote counts. That means protecting against fraud that cancels out real votes and hurts the integrity of the electoral process.

In its Blueprint, Project 21 recommends:

  • Requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote.
  • Requiring proof of identity to cast ballots.
  • Requiring states to purge election rolls on a regular basis to remove people who are deceased or have moved to other jurisdictions.
  • Requiring states to purge election rolls of registered voters who have not cast ballots in six years.
  • Prohibiting the practice of mailing ballots to those who have not requested them.
  • Prosecuting organizations or individuals systematically targeting black communities for voter fraud.

Specifically, the Project 21 recommendations would stop Fonda’s sinister suggestion in two ways – by requiring proof of identity and not sending out unrequested ballots.

In making its case for increased protections of the importance of ensuring that every vote counts, Project 21 acknowledged that poll taxes and literacy tests that plagued black voters during the Jim Crow era are gone – but often replaced more sophisticated techniques that dilute the black vote and deny them an equal voice. When identities are stolen and votes are cast for dead or relocated voters, which admitted fraudsters said happens often in low-income areas because people there “are a lot less likely to ask questions,” legitimate black votes are diminished.

Project 21 member Donna Jackson pointed out: “I don’t believe black voters are underrepresented, as some self-proclaimed civil rights leaders suggest; they are misrepresented. The lack of voter integrity weakens our true voice and causes many of us to become disillusioned.”

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