Author: The National Center

Europe EU European Union

Richard Holt: European Voters Are Taking Sledgehammer To Continent’s Radical Open Borders And Climate Agenda

Project 21 Commentary /
In a commentary published at the Daily Caller, Project 21 Ambassador Richard Holt notes that the recent European election results reflect a growing dissatisfaction with leftist climate and immigration policies: Voters are increasingly skeptical of policies that they perceive as ...
AM FM radio car

Christopher Arps: House Energy & Commerce Committee Should Save AM Radio and Taxpayers’ Money

Project 21 Commentary /
In a commentary published at RedState, Project 21 Ambassador Christopher Arps praises the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act. Chris explains why maintaining AM radio access in vehicles is critical: Our nation’s public warning systems, which taxpayers have rightfully invested ...
BYD electric vehicles China

Christopher Arps: Stop China From Spying on American Drivers

Project 21 Commentary /
"Modern connected vehicles have morphed into data collection vacuums," laments Project 21 Ambassador Christopher Arps in a commentary published at RedState. "With China becoming the world’s top EV exporter — and the Chinese Communist Party having access to data collected ...
Horace Cooper Ingraham DEI

Horace Cooper Compares Biden’s Broadband Boondoggle to Jim Crow Laws Affecting His Grandfather

Media Appearance /
This week FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr revealed that not one American has been connected with high-speed internet with the $42.5 billion in funding set aside for this purpose in the 2021 infrastructure bill. "In fact, [the Biden Administration] now says ...
Horace Cooper on Hannity discussing Fear Tactics

Horace Cooper: The Left Projects Onto the Right the Draconian Tactics It Has Committed

Media Appearance /
On the Fox News Channel program "Hannity," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper talked with host Sean Hannity and fellow panelist Tudor Dixon about the frenzied fear tactics leftists have been using as we approach November. Horace laughed at how Joy ...
SCOTUS guns Craig DeLuz

Craig DeLuz: What the Supreme Court’s Bump Stocks Ruling Means for the Second Amendment and Separation of Powers

Media Appearance /
Today the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a federal rule banning bump stocks, ruling that a bump stock does not transform a firearm into an automatic weapon. Project 21 Ambassador Craig DeLuz, a Second Amendment expert, discussed this case last ...
FEP on WSJ Wall Street Journal front page

Wall Street Journal Front Page Features National Center Activism

Free Enterprise Project /
The shareholder activism of the National Center's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) was featured yesterday on the front page of The Wall Street Journal print edition. In a page-one feature entitled "‘Anti-Woke’ Shareholders Are Going After Corporate Boards," Sarah Nassauer and ...
Target Pride

Target Executives Have Disqualified Themselves by Supporting Organizations That Push Radical Gender Ideology on Children

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. – Scott Shepard, director of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP), did not mince words when confronting executives at Target’s annual shareholder meeting today. “Are you kidding me?” Shepard asked them while presenting ...
burning money fire

Investors Call Out Target and Dick’s Sporting Goods for Going Woke at Shareholders’ Expense

Press Release /
Caterpillar Will Also Be Asked to Stop Overboarding Washington, D.C. - Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at three shareholder meetings on Wednesday -- Dick's Sporting Goods, Target and ...
wheelchair disability homeless poverty

Rachel Barkley and Megan Burke: Americans With Disabilities Are at a Breaking Point. Are Politicians Listening?

Able Americans, Commentary /
"Individuals with disabilities are at higher risk of financial distress, homelessness, food insecurity, unsustainable medical debt, having their children taken away from them and more," write Able Americans Director Rachel Barkley and Petrizzo Group Principal Megan Burke in a commentary published by The Hill. And ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.