Author: Scott Shepard

Man Reading Newspaper

FEP Hits Front Pages, Stands Out in Fight Against SEC Power Grab

FEP Commentary /
Our ears have been burning in recent weeks as front-page spreads raise the chatter about the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) and show just how effectively it has led the fight against the ESG juggernaut ...
State Street

Scott Shepard: Giant Investment Houses Are Still Infinitely Partisan

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In a commentary published at RealClearMarkets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard makes an assertion that is likely startling to those who aren't fully paying attention: [T]he Big Three investment houses – BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard – are so ...
Bob Iger Disney Mickey Mouse Minnie

Scott Shepard: Some Wandering Wonderings About Disney’s Odd Shareholder Vote

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"[W]hen shareholders vote, the votes go to a company called Broadridge that somehow controls nearly all the voting pipes," writes Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard in a commentary published by RealClearMarkets. So one would hope that Broadridge is a nonpartisan entity ...
Scott Shepard: Hate Woke Corporatism? Vote Your Shares Against It In Minutes

Scott Shepard: Hate Woke Corporatism? Vote Your Shares Against It In Minutes

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"There’s another tool to fight woke – one that shareholders can use, whether they own a few shares or millions," write Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard at The Daily Caller. For instance, in the case of the upcoming Disney ...
Larry Fink

Scott Shepard: Is BlackRock’s Retrenchment From ESG Real?

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Don't celebrate BlackRock's move toward apparent political neutrality quite yet. Despite reports that the investment behemoth is dissolving its ESG-labeled funds and laying off 600 employees in its ESG and sustainability departments, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard notes in ...
Scott Shepard: Can Corporations Really Trust the Conference Board?

Scott Shepard: Can Corporations Really Trust the Conference Board?

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In a commentary published by RealClearMarkets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard targets the supposedly "independent, nonpartisan" Conference Board, which claims its advice can be trusted while making no efforts to dialogue with more than one side of the policy ...
State Street

Scott Shepard: Partisan Bias Shot Through Operations at Vanguard, State Street

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While BlackRock garners most of the attention for misusing other people's money to push woke ends, investment houses Vanguard and State Street -- the other members of the Big 3 -- are in many ways worse. Both of these shops ...
electric car

Scott Shepard: October 2023: The Month the Net-Zero Dream Died

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For years we've been warning CEOs about the absurdity of their net-zero emissions ambitions, and recent developments indicate that we've been right all along. "The great public-private push to force adoption of new and unreliable technologies before they have been ...
George Soros WEF

Scott Shepard: Elon Musk Is Right About George Soros’s Efforts To Wreck the Anglosphere

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Talk about a Reverse Midas Touch: Every American policy George Soros touches seems to make things worse for Americans. In a column published at RealClearMarkets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard notes, "if my goal were to destroy the United ...
Germany Oktoberfest beer

Scott Shepard: German Elections Sound Death Knell for ‘Decarbonization’

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"Everywhere you look," writes Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard, "except in the dregs of the West (e.g., California), reality is biting back and net-zero dreams are dissolving." In a commentary published at RealClearMarkets, Scott uses the recent elections in ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.