Category: INTC


Conservative Shareholders Denounce DEI, Decarbonization and Disarmament

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. - Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at six shareholder meetings this week -- American Express, Intel, General Electric, Progressive, Ford and Duke Energy. On Tuesday, May ...
African child

Conservative Shareholder Activists Present Proposals Addressing Child Labor, Chinese Human Rights Violations and Corporate Collusion with Government

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. - Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at three shareholder meetings this week - Ford Motor Company, Intel and Marriott. FEP's shareholder proposals will cover Ford's likely dependency on foreign child labor to manufacture ...
Intel Refuses to Answer Question About Cozy Relationship with the Chinese; Ignores Own Commitment to Human Rights

Intel Refuses to Answer Question About Cozy Relationship with the Chinese; Ignores Own Commitment to Human Rights /
During last week’s annual Intel shareholder meeting, the tech giant refused to answer FEP’s question regarding its controversial relationship with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  Specifically, FEP asked about how the company reconciles its so-called commitment to human rights while ...
Corporate Leaders Unable to Defend Support for So-Called "Equality Act"

Corporate Leaders Unable to Defend Support for So-Called “Equality Act”

Press Release /
Is the Human Rights Campaign Misrepresenting Businesses' Support for Legislation That Discriminates Against Women and Americans of Faith? Washington, D.C. - After weeks of questioning CEOs over their endorsement of the ill-named Equality Act, leaders with the Free Enterprise Project (FEP) were ...
Intel Doubles-Down on Relationship With Radical Human Rights Campaign

Intel Doubles-Down on Relationship With Radical Human Rights Campaign /
Asked why Intel would support the Human Rights Campaign in light of the group’s anti-religious bigotry, the tech giant’s leadership said its affiliation is a demonstration of the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Huh? It’s an odd statement to ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.