Category: T

Corporations' Unequal Support for the Equality Act Revealed

Corporations’ Unequal Support for the Equality Act Revealed /
Using her Twitter account, Representative Pramila Jayapal has called out companies that put pro-LGBT “pride” rainbows and similar messaging on their social media but do not completely heel to the desires of the radical left. Jayapal criticized companies, including American ...
AT&T Defends CNN’s Integrity by Pointing to the Emmys

AT&T Defends CNN’s Integrity by Pointing to the Emmys

Press Release /
“Investors Must Conclude That AT&T Is a Company That Understands neither Truth nor Appropriate Business Conduct,” Says Shareholder Activist Washington, D.C. – When pressed about dishonesty and serious departures from journalistic standards at AT&T-owned CNN, AT&T CEO John Stankey claimed ...
CNN Is A Disgrace -- Here’s How To Hold AT&T Accountable

CNN Is A Disgrace — Here’s How To Hold AT&T Accountable

AT&T, the telecommunications company with a storied place among American corporations, owns and funds far-left disinformation site CNN. It is therefore responsible for the pollutive dreck that CNN falsely presents to the public as news. We must hold AT&T to ...
AT&T’s Debt Woes, CNN Irresponsibility Anticipate Bezos-Owned Woke Mill

AT&T’s Debt Woes, CNN Irresponsibility Anticipate Bezos-Owned Woke Mill

AT&T carries massive debts and appears to be “financially unstable.” The company is considering selling CNN, the one-time news station that it acquired with Time Warner in 2018. But the network, which before Trump’s ascendancy had viewers the same way those ...
Corporations Killing Their Customers – Literally

Corporations Killing Their Customers – Literally

Why do so many American companies support the extermination of millions of potential future customers? It’s a question that the media really needs to start asking corporate executives. After all, more than three dozen major American businesses fund Planned Parenthood ...
AT&T CEO Says Employees Need to Stop Blocking Conservatives from Advertising Platforms

AT&T CEO Says Employees Need to Stop Blocking Conservatives from Advertising Platforms

Press Release /
Shareholder Activist Goes to Bat to Un-Censor Content Dallas, TX/Washington, D.C. – AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson expressed dismay today to learn that his company was censoring certain conservative voices from being able to advertise on some of the tech giant’s ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.