As the U.S. Supreme Court justices hand down the last of their high-profile decisions for the current term, property rights proponents are preparing for their fall term and a major case that could finally set boundaries on the currently unchecked ...
With a stroke of his infamous pen, President Barack Obama celebrated the Centennial of the National Park Service (NPS) by using an antiquated federal law to designate 87,563 acres (137 square miles) of north central Maine forestland as the Katahdin ...
Antiquities Act Allows President to Designate Federal Lands Without Congressional or Local Approval Move Comes After White House Designates Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine Against Maine's Wishes Move Had Political Impacts, and Was Supported by Environmental Left ...
How do you feel about an absentee landlord who accumulate acres and acres of productive land, then neglects it so it produces little and becomes so overgrown it’s a fire hazard to the neighbors? Not good, right? Well, that absentee ...
From Casey Lartigue, Jr.: Do we want more trees or more moralizing about trees? Today, in Washington, D.C. and other parts of the country, Americans will plant a tree. Coming on the heels of the political brow-beating of earlier this ...
Michelle Malkin has a good post up today on wildfires and environmental obstructionism. I recommend the whole thing. Michelle recommends our 2005 e-mail alert "Forest Reforms in the Crossfire" by Dana Joel Gattuso. Dana notes that certain high-litigious environmental organizations ...
Congratulations to former National Center staff member Ron Nehring, who who has been appointed to the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Says a statement released by the governor's office: Ronald Nehring, 35, of El ...
The National Center's Ryan Balis has suggested I recommended this Miami Herald op-ed by Patrick Moore to blog readers. Moore is a founder of the environmental group Greenpeace. In the op-ed, Moore explains why he left Greenpeace ("By the mid-1980s, ...
Writing in the Washington Times June 1, Professor Tom Bonnicksen explains how we can do as Smokey Bear advised: We have only two basic choices for dealing with our wildfire crisis. First, we can acknowledge we need, live in and ...
One of my stronger memories from 2003 is listening to talk show host Roger Hedgecock, who is based in San Diego, describe the enormity of the forest fires that took place in California last November. As luck would have it, ...
The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.