Tag: Free Enterprise Project Commentaries

After Labor Department’s Wise Move, Time To Hold Public Pension Fund Managers To A Return-Maximization Standard As Well

After Labor Department’s Wise Move, Time To Hold Public Pension Fund Managers To A Return-Maximization Standard As Well

Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia recently announced a proposed rule to require private pension fund managers to maximize risk-appropriate returns rather than indulge their personal policy preferences when selecting investments. When so much of corporate America is mouthing ill-considered platitudes while ...
Stakeholder Primacy: Who’s Playing Whom?

Stakeholder Primacy: Who’s Playing Whom?

Last summer the Business Roundtable – a body comprised of CEOs of many of the country’s largest corporations – voted to reinterpret its theory of the corporation to give its members a massive increase in latitude and cut in oversight ...
COVID-19 Model Failures Show Why Climate Science Isn’t ‘Settled’

COVID-19 Model Failures Show Why Climate Science Isn’t ‘Settled’

The scientific models used to predict the global impact of the COVID-19 crisis have cast into acute doubt the idea of iron-clad, unquestionable scientific modeling itself. Model failure has had potentially catastrophic effects on the world economy. It should have ...
Of Foxes, Hens, and Amazon’s Corruption: Disgraced SPLC Blacklists Charities from ‘Smile’ Program

Of Foxes, Hens, and Amazon’s Corruption: Disgraced SPLC Blacklists Charities from ‘Smile’ Program

Why is one of America’s most discredited and polarizing nonprofits allowed to control the charitable giving program of one of America’s richest companies? And why is that nonprofit allowed to reap a windfall from that charitable program while restricting access ...
Conservatives, Take Back the Franchise With Proxy Voting

Conservatives, Take Back the Franchise With Proxy Voting

When it comes to voting, most Americans instinctively think of large national elections that occur in November. The amount of money that politicians spend to get their supporters to the ballot box is staggering. For example, in their respective 2016 campaigns, Hillary ...
Warning From A Cancel Culture Cassandra

Warning From A Cancel Culture Cassandra

Modern traditional and social media, in all of their multiplying and increasingly malevolent forms, provide replete evidence of our collective failure in recent decades to raise children properly. The end of scoring and the efflorescence of “everybody’s awesome” trophies that ...
Corporations Killing Their Customers – Literally

Corporations Killing Their Customers – Literally

Why do so many American companies support the extermination of millions of potential future customers? It’s a question that the media really needs to start asking corporate executives. After all, more than three dozen major American businesses fund Planned Parenthood ...
In Apple Case, Feds Green-Light Corporate Discrimination Against Conservatives

In Apple Case, Feds Green-Light Corporate Discrimination Against Conservatives

It’s time for Congress to take notice of the role the SEC plays in shaping corporate proxy ballots — and how that process is empowering corporate America’s march to the left.  It’s 2020, and the federal government just sanctioned corporate ...
When The Bully Controls The Search Engine

When The Bully Controls The Search Engine

Following President Donald Trump’s election in 2016, employees and management at Google gathered together for a community discussion. What transpired was wailing, gnashing of teeth, and a collective disbelief that Trump had won. These Silicon Valley elites weren’t just upset ...
Covington Settlement Warns Corporations That Bias Can Cost Big Bucks

Covington Settlement Warns Corporations That Bias Can Cost Big Bucks

CNN and AT&T have learned expensive lessons about bias that the rest of corporate America would be wise to heed. The dangers of closed viewpoints and political partisanship are becoming costly realities for American corporations. CNN and AT&T have learned ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.