Europe EU European Union

Richard Holt: European Voters Are Taking Sledgehammer To Continent’s Radical Open Borders And Climate Agenda

Project 21 Commentary /
In a commentary published at the Daily Caller, Project 21 Ambassador Richard Holt notes that the recent European election results reflect a growing dissatisfaction with leftist climate and immigration policies: Voters are increasingly skeptical of policies that they perceive as ...
AM FM radio car

Christopher Arps: House Energy & Commerce Committee Should Save AM Radio and Taxpayers’ Money

Project 21 Commentary /
In a commentary published at RedState, Project 21 Ambassador Christopher Arps praises the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act. Chris explains why maintaining AM radio access in vehicles is critical: Our nation’s public warning systems, which taxpayers have rightfully invested ...
BYD electric vehicles China

Christopher Arps: Stop China From Spying on American Drivers

Project 21 Commentary /
"Modern connected vehicles have morphed into data collection vacuums," laments Project 21 Ambassador Christopher Arps in a commentary published at RedState. "With China becoming the world’s top EV exporter — and the Chinese Communist Party having access to data collected ...
Man Reading Newspaper

FEP Hits Front Pages, Stands Out in Fight Against SEC Power Grab

FEP Commentary /
Our ears have been burning in recent weeks as front-page spreads raise the chatter about the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) and show just how effectively it has led the fight against the ESG juggernaut ...
Salesforce Dell

Investors Call Out Dell and Salesforce for Pursuing Radical Agendas at Shareholders’ Expense

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. -- Today, shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at two shareholder meetings, Dell and Salesforce. They will criticize Dell for contributing charitable donations to extreme left-wing LGBTQ ...
Horace Cooper Ingraham DEI

Horace Cooper Compares Biden’s Broadband Boondoggle to Jim Crow Laws Affecting His Grandfather

Media Appearance /
This week FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr revealed that not one American has been connected with high-speed internet with the $42.5 billion in funding set aside for this purpose in the 2021 infrastructure bill. "In fact, [the Biden Administration] now says ...
State Street

Scott Shepard: Giant Investment Houses Are Still Infinitely Partisan

FEP Commentary /
In a commentary published at RealClearMarkets, Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard makes an assertion that is likely startling to those who aren't fully paying attention: [T]he Big Three investment houses – BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard – are so ...
Horace Cooper on Hannity discussing Fear Tactics

Horace Cooper: The Left Projects Onto the Right the Draconian Tactics It Has Committed

Media Appearance /
On the Fox News Channel program "Hannity," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper talked with host Sean Hannity and fellow panelist Tudor Dixon about the frenzied fear tactics leftists have been using as we approach November. Horace laughed at how Joy ...

Mastercard Charged With Maintaining Alliances With Hamas-Supporting Organizations in Violation of Human Rights Policy

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. – Today, on behalf of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP), investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel will present a proposal at Mastercard’s annual shareholder meeting to bring attention to the company’s partnerships with and ...
Horace Cooper Hannity Biden Military

Horace Cooper on Biden’s Priorities: You Can’t Be This Wrong by Accident!

Media Appearance /
On the Fox News Channel program "Hannity," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper talked with host Sean Hannity and Rep. Mike Waltz about President Biden's mixed-up priorities. For instance, Biden is suddenly against federal spending when faced with members of our American ...