Author: Scott Shepard

Equity Businessman Frustrated

Scott Shepard: Shifting Standards of Evidence Will Doom Woke CEOs

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ESG, stakeholder capitalism, sustainability, equity – whatever the label, in each case, the fact on the ground is a corporation taking a left-wing political or social position and claiming that the move will be good for the corporation’s bottom line ...

Scott Shepard: The Human Rights Campaign Should Call 911 For Itself

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Oh, dear. It appears that the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has declared a national emergency. You remember HRC, no? That’s the group that up to about a decade ago pushed for gay people to have the same civil marriage rights ...

Scott Shepard: As Target Plays Politics, Its Shareholders Take Aim

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Well, it’s finally happened. A company has strayed so far into politics, at the demonstrable and shattering detriment to its bottom line, that shareholders have begun a process that – unless Target mends its ways – will end in court ...
power lines energy

Scott Shepard: What a Real, Fully Capitalist Energy Transition Would Look Like

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You don’t really need me to tell you this, but the usual-suspect, woke-capital CEOs and activist groups are lying when they claim that their wholly political campaign to kill off reliable energy is somehow capitalism in action. For replete and ...
Emperor Larry Fink

Scott Shepard: Is Emperor Larry Fink Silencing the Critics of His ESG Regime?

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It’s been clear since The World Economic Forum’s annual conference this winter that BlackRock CEO Larry Fink has tired of criticism of the globalist Davos regime and its principal satrapy, the Biden Administration in Washington. Recall his whining last year and again at Davos ...
Scott Shepard: ESG Means Biden Administration Priorities Forced on Businesses

Scott Shepard: ESG Means Biden Administration Priorities Forced on Businesses

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Last week, Alabama State Sen. Dan Roberts (R-Mountain Brook) introduced a bill to keep Alabama’s tax dollars away from companies that discriminate according to ESG criteria. That’s great news for Alabama; the bill deserves broad support and speedy passage. Alabama ...
Scott Shepard: It's Congress's Turn to Address Chase's Discriminatory Banking Practices

Scott Shepard: It’s Congress’s Turn to Address Chase’s Discriminatory Banking Practices

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Chase Bank (of JP Morgan Chase) discriminates on the basis of religion and viewpoint, and then lies and lies and lies about it. Nineteen state attorneys general have demanded that the company knock it off. Given that JP Morgan – already too-big-to-fail ...
Bud Light

Scott Shepard: The Results Are Coming In For ‘Woke’ Corporate Policies, and They’re Messy

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As the 1979 General Election neared, the Conservatives hired the advertising firm of Saatchi & Saatchi to make artwork (for the ‘70s British equivalent of billboards) for the campaign. What they came up with was a drawing of a long line of ...

Scott Shepard: A Failed SEC Must Be Wholly Rebuilt From the Ground Up

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It’s hardly news that Gary Gensler’s Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) is partisan and corrupt in ways that resemble other Biden-era agencies, such as Lina Khan’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the blackshirted FBI goon squad led by the execrable ...
Chase Bank

Scott Shepard: As Banks Morph Into Utilities, Too Big To Fail Means Too Big for Bias

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Here we are, in another round of de facto bank bailouts. This time investors seem to be (rightly) losing their investments, but depositors are to be covered fully – as long as they bank at “systemically significant” banks. And investors at the ...

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