“Investors Must Conclude That AT&T Is a Company That Understands neither Truth nor Appropriate Business Conduct,” Says Shareholder Activist Washington, D.C. – When pressed about dishonesty and serious departures from journalistic standards at AT&T-owned CNN, AT&T CEO John Stankey claimed ...
Category: DISCA
Scott Shepard: Hollywood Writers Have Scripted Their Own Redundancy
Stefan Padfield: Is Disney Complicit in Hate Speech?
The Chickens of ‘Woke’ Are Coming Home to Roost on Business Heads
Is the Woke Corporate ‘Worm’ Finally Turning?
AT&T Defends CNN’s Integrity by Pointing to the Emmys
CNN’s Potential Value Jeopardized by Trump-Bashing
AT&T’s Debt Woes, CNN Irresponsibility Anticipate Bezos-Owned Woke Mill