Category: MCD

Wisdom Wanted on Wednesday: Shareholders at Amazon, McDonald’s, PayPal and FirstEnergy Can Help Corporations Return to Neutral

Wisdom Wanted on Wednesday: Shareholders at Amazon, McDonald’s, PayPal and FirstEnergy Can Help Corporations Return to Neutral

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. – At Wednesday’s annual shareholder meetings of Amazon, McDonald’s, PayPal and FirstEnergy, shareholders will have the opportunity to vote on proposals from the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) designed to help these corporations ...

FEP Takes Legal Action Against the SEC, Starbucks, Target and More

Free Enterprise Project /
In conjunction with a wide array of law firms, both private and nonprofit, the Free Enterprise Project (FEP) has initiated legal proceedings against both government actors and corporations to stop the spread of woke ideologies through our laws, regulations and ...

McDonald’s Asked by Conservative Shareholders to Account for Impacts of Racist Policies

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Happy Meals for Some, But Not All Washington, D.C. - Today, Ethan Peck - associate with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) - presents a proposal at the McDonald's annual shareholder meeting that requests that ...
Discrimination, Misinformation and Decarbonization!

Discrimination, Misinformation and Decarbonization!

Press Release /
Conservative Shareholder Activists Present Seven Proposals Addressing Corporate/Government Collusion, Debanking of Conservatives, Radical Decarbonization Efforts, Racial Equity Audits and First Amendment Violations Washington, D.C. - Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at ...
Diversity DEI discrimination

Scott Shepard: States Can Stop the Outsourcing of Race Discrimination by Corporations

FEP Commentary /
Last week The Federalist published an important story detailing how various companies are “laundering” or “out-sourcing” their efforts to discriminate against so-called “non-diverse” employees on the basis of race, sex and orientation to non-profits, charities and public benefit corporations. It reported that [i]n response to ...
'Equity'-Based Discrimination At a Retailer Near You

‘Equity’-Based Discrimination At a Retailer Near You

Corporate America’s panicked embrace of “equity” in the summer of 2020 isn’t going to end well for anyone, most particularly the companies that have embraced it the hardest. This shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, what “equity” means – according to its ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.