Category: SBUX

That Starbucks DEI Case Doesn’t Stand for What You Think It Does

That Starbucks DEI Case Doesn’t Stand for What You Think It Does

FEP Commentary /
While proponents of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) agenda have been celebrating the dismissal of our recent DEI case against Starbucks, Scott Shepard, Stefan Padfield and Ethan Peck of our Free Enterprise Project (FEP) note that "a closer look at the decision ...

Shareholders Ask Starbucks to Protect Employees from Viewpoint Discrimination — Company Says Vote NO!

Press Release /
Washington, D.C./Seattle, WA - Today, shareholder activists from the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present a proposal at Starbucks' annual shareholder meeting (Proposal #5) that would require the Company to conduct an audit to ...
Attention Starbucks Investors: Take a Stand Against DEI

Attention Starbucks Investors: Take a Stand Against DEI

The Free Enterprise Project has an important proposal on the ballot of this week's Starbucks shareholder meeting. The proposal would require Starbucks to conduct an audit to determine the extent to which its “Partner Networks” (what are usually called Employee ...
Stefan Padfield: How Starbucks Avoided Accountability for Racial Discrimination

Stefan Padfield: How Starbucks Avoided Accountability for Racial Discrimination

FEP Commentary /
For those of you wondering whatever became of our lawsuit against Starbucks, Free Enterprise Project Associate Stefan Padfield provides an update in a commentary published by The Washington Times. The bottom line: Instead of a judge in Washington State doing ...
Affirmative Action Is Racist and Illegal in Corporate America, Just as It Was in Higher Education

Affirmative Action Is Racist and Illegal in Corporate America, Just as It Was in Higher Education

Media Mention /
On the heels of the Supreme Court striking down affirmative action in higher education, conservative activists such as those with our Free Enterprise Project (FEP) are targeting diversity programs at corporations such as Starbucks, Comcast and Amazon. While our lawsuit ...
Scott Shepard at the 2020 Walgreens shareholder meeting

The 2023 Shareholder Meeting Season in Review

Free Enterprise Project /
Like last year, the 2023 shareholder meeting season was a mixed bag of hope and frustration. On one hand, rampant wokeness and corruption continue to define shareholder meetings. But promisingly, there is more pushback to corporate wokeness than ever before, ...

FEP Takes Legal Action Against the SEC, Starbucks, Target and More

Free Enterprise Project /
In conjunction with a wide array of law firms, both private and nonprofit, the Free Enterprise Project (FEP) has initiated legal proceedings against both government actors and corporations to stop the spread of woke ideologies through our laws, regulations and ...
Bud Light

Scott Shepard: The Results Are Coming In For ‘Woke’ Corporate Policies, and They’re Messy

FEP Commentary /
As the 1979 General Election neared, the Conservatives hired the advertising firm of Saatchi & Saatchi to make artwork (for the ‘70s British equivalent of billboards) for the campaign. What they came up with was a drawing of a long line of ...
Starbucks after riot

Starbucks Store Closures Drive Shareholders to Request Oversight of Woke Policies

Press Release /
Washington, D.C./Seattle, WA – Today, shareholder activists from the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will follow their August lawsuit against Starbucks’ racist civil rights violations by presenting a proposal to all Starbucks shareholders asking them ...
Diversity DEI discrimination

Scott Shepard: States Can Stop the Outsourcing of Race Discrimination by Corporations

FEP Commentary /
Last week The Federalist published an important story detailing how various companies are “laundering” or “out-sourcing” their efforts to discriminate against so-called “non-diverse” employees on the basis of race, sex and orientation to non-profits, charities and public benefit corporations. It reported that [i]n response to ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.