Category: Global Warming

Biden’s Paris Pledge Provides Chinese Advantage Over America

Biden’s Paris Pledge Provides Chinese Advantage Over America /
While the United States formally left the Paris Agreement on climate change on November 4, a victory for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign would lead to a quick reversal. This is just what the Chinese government wants. And it would be ...
A Biden Win Benefits China

A Biden Win Benefits China /
As the votes are counted in the United States, the Chinese government is undoubtedly hoping for a Biden victory to assist in the rehabilitation of its international reputation. Damaged by the COVID-19 pandemic which originated there, the Chinese are now ...
Beijing Presents Itself as Climate Steward as China-Borne Pandemic Continues to Rage

Beijing Presents Itself as Climate Steward as China-Borne Pandemic Continues to Rage

Commentary /
As European countries ponder the reimposition of lockdowns and other drastic measures to confront a second wave of COVID-19, and U.S. officials fear a similar outbreak on this side of the Atlantic, China—where the pandemic originated—has decided to change the ...
When It Comes To Climate Science, Benedict Cumberbatch Is No Sherlock Holmes

When It Comes To Climate Science, Benedict Cumberbatch Is No Sherlock Holmes

Actor Benedict Cumberbatch is a preening twit. It’s a shame to have to say that. He’s been immensely watchable since his long-ago appearance in a not-very-good British one-off series called Fortysomething that he, and mostly Hugh Laurie, saved from being dire. Tremendous Sherlock, ...
Honest Climate Policy is Hard

Honest Climate Policy is Hard

National Policy Analysis #683 /
Recognizing Unacknowledged Risks, Possibilities & Value Judgments Part II: The Fatal Flaws in AYS Coalition Climate-Related Policy Claims The second in a series analyzing claims by proponents of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) and stakeholder primacy policies about the feasibility ...
Congress Told to “End Environmental Justice as We Know It”

Congress Told to “End Environmental Justice as We Know It” /
Did you watch Project 21 member Donna Jackson’s congressional testimony last week? If you didn’t, you still have a chance to watch it on-demand! In a rousing testimony before the House Subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife, Donna declared – in ...
Free-Market Environmentalists Tell Senate to Chill on Proposed Regulation

Free-Market Environmentalists Tell Senate to Chill on Proposed Regulation /
Restricting hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) isn’t a cool idea. HFCs are the most common and economical means of running our refrigerators and the air conditioners in our homes and cars. They are vital to the comfort and operations of most businesses. In ...
New York Times

Read the Letter the NY Times Refused to Print! /
The New York Times reported a dubious claim that climate change has a disparate effect on black American mothers. But it was criticism of this shoddy journalism that the so-called "newspaper of record" decided wasn’t fit to print. Project 21 ...
Questionable Climate Models Persist Despite COVID-19 Model Failures

Questionable Climate Models Persist Despite COVID-19 Model Failures /
Remember when the world locked down on the assumptions of a model suggesting 2.2 million Americans would die from COVID-19? Oh, that’s right; it’s still going on. That model has subsequently been proven to be nonsense. As National Center Fellow ...
COVID-19 Model Failures Show Why Climate Science Isn’t ‘Settled’

COVID-19 Model Failures Show Why Climate Science Isn’t ‘Settled’

The scientific models used to predict the global impact of the COVID-19 crisis have cast into acute doubt the idea of iron-clad, unquestionable scientific modeling itself. Model failure has had potentially catastrophic effects on the world economy. It should have ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.