Category: Project 21

Europe EU European Union

Richard Holt: European Voters Are Taking Sledgehammer To Continent’s Radical Open Borders And Climate Agenda

Project 21 Commentary /
In a commentary published at the Daily Caller, Project 21 Ambassador Richard Holt notes that the recent European election results reflect a growing dissatisfaction with leftist climate and immigration policies: Voters are increasingly skeptical of policies that they perceive as ...
AM FM radio car

Christopher Arps: House Energy & Commerce Committee Should Save AM Radio and Taxpayers’ Money

Project 21 Commentary /
In a commentary published at RedState, Project 21 Ambassador Christopher Arps praises the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act. Chris explains why maintaining AM radio access in vehicles is critical: Our nation’s public warning systems, which taxpayers have rightfully invested ...
BYD electric vehicles China

Christopher Arps: Stop China From Spying on American Drivers

Project 21 Commentary /
"Modern connected vehicles have morphed into data collection vacuums," laments Project 21 Ambassador Christopher Arps in a commentary published at RedState. "With China becoming the world’s top EV exporter — and the Chinese Communist Party having access to data collected ...
Horace Cooper Ingraham DEI

Horace Cooper Compares Biden’s Broadband Boondoggle to Jim Crow Laws Affecting His Grandfather

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This week FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr revealed that not one American has been connected with high-speed internet with the $42.5 billion in funding set aside for this purpose in the 2021 infrastructure bill. "In fact, [the Biden Administration] now says ...
Horace Cooper on Hannity discussing Fear Tactics

Horace Cooper: The Left Projects Onto the Right the Draconian Tactics It Has Committed

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On the Fox News Channel program "Hannity," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper talked with host Sean Hannity and fellow panelist Tudor Dixon about the frenzied fear tactics leftists have been using as we approach November. Horace laughed at how Joy ...
Horace Cooper Hannity Biden Military

Horace Cooper on Biden’s Priorities: You Can’t Be This Wrong by Accident!

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On the Fox News Channel program "Hannity," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper talked with host Sean Hannity and Rep. Mike Waltz about President Biden's mixed-up priorities. For instance, Biden is suddenly against federal spending when faced with members of our American ...
SCOTUS guns Craig DeLuz

Craig DeLuz: What the Supreme Court’s Bump Stocks Ruling Means for the Second Amendment and Separation of Powers

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Today the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a federal rule banning bump stocks, ruling that a bump stock does not transform a firearm into an automatic weapon. Project 21 Ambassador Craig DeLuz, a Second Amendment expert, discussed this case last ...
David Lowery Atlanta

David Lowery Warns Atlanta to Avoid Becoming the Next Chicago

Speech /
Project 21 Ambassador Rev. David Lowery, Jr., has long been an outspoken advocate for the citizens of Chicago, where he serves as a pastor at two churches.  He recently brought his public safety message to Atlanta, joining other activists at ...
school choice private school

Mike Hill: Parents, Not Government, Make the Best Educational Decisions for Children

Project 21 Commentary /
Project 21 Ambassador Mike Hill, who once served in the Florida House of Representatives, would love to see what's happening these days in Florida schools become a nationwide trend. Last year Florida Governor Ron DeSantis passed school choice legislation that ...
Horace Cooper Trump Fox

Horace Cooper: Black Americans Don’t Need Special Messaging. Good Policies Are Good for All Americans.

Media Appearance /
On the Fox News Channel program "Hannity," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper criticized the way progressives treat black Americans as if the issues most important to them are different than the issues affecting all Americans. Horace told guest host Jason ...

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