Tag: Free Enterprise Project

FEP on WSJ Wall Street Journal front page

Wall Street Journal Front Page Features National Center Activism

Free Enterprise Project /
The shareholder activism of the National Center's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) was featured yesterday on the front page of The Wall Street Journal print edition. In a page-one feature entitled "‘Anti-Woke’ Shareholders Are Going After Corporate Boards," Sarah Nassauer and ...
Planet Fitness building

Planet Fitness Grilled Over Locker Rooms and Company Priorities

Free Enterprise Project /
At today's Planet Fitness annual shareholder meeting, Free Enterprise Project (FEP) Deputy Director Stefan Padfield submitted two questions to leadership, and both questions were condensed and then answered. First Stefan asked: According to at least some reports, Planet Fitness lost ...
Attention Starbucks Investors: Take a Stand Against DEI

Attention Starbucks Investors: Take a Stand Against DEI

The Free Enterprise Project has an important proposal on the ballot of this week's Starbucks shareholder meeting. The proposal would require Starbucks to conduct an audit to determine the extent to which its “Partner Networks” (what are usually called Employee ...
David and Goliath businessman

FEP’s Day in Court Against the Weaponized SEC

Free Enterprise Project /
Over the last few years our Free Enterprise Project (FEP) has waged an uphill battle against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which has been doing the bidding of SEC Chairman Gary Gensler to discriminate against free-market organizations and ...
Our Lawsuit Against the SEC Over Nasdaq Diversity Rules Will Be Reheard

Our Lawsuit Against the SEC Over Nasdaq Diversity Rules Will Be Reheard

Free Enterprise Project /
We received good news today regarding our lawsuit against the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). The New Civil Liberties Alliance, who represents us in the lawsuit, issued a press release: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ...
Get In Your Lane, SEC

Get In Your Lane, SEC

This week the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit for en banc rehearing of our National Center for Public Policy Research v. SEC lawsuit, seeking to "return [the U.S. Securities & ...
FEP Turns up the Heat on the Biggest ESG Offenders

FEP Turns up the Heat on the Biggest ESG Offenders

Free Enterprise Project /
BlackRock, proxy advisory firms and other behemoths have been using their size and influence -- not to mention your investments -- to force other corporations to adopt a leftwing agenda. But Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard says plans are ...
Target Pride

Which Companies Offend You the Most? We Want to Hear From You!

Free Enterprise Project /
Here at the National Center we have fought woke policies at thousands of American companies. And we will continue to do so through our Free Enterprise Project.  But to help us focus our efforts in the coming year, we want ...
Scott Shepard at the 2020 Walgreens shareholder meeting

The 2023 Shareholder Meeting Season in Review

Free Enterprise Project /
Like last year, the 2023 shareholder meeting season was a mixed bag of hope and frustration. On one hand, rampant wokeness and corruption continue to define shareholder meetings. But promisingly, there is more pushback to corporate wokeness than ever before, ...

FEP Takes Legal Action Against the SEC, Starbucks, Target and More

Free Enterprise Project /
In conjunction with a wide array of law firms, both private and nonprofit, the Free Enterprise Project (FEP) has initiated legal proceedings against both government actors and corporations to stop the spread of woke ideologies through our laws, regulations and ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.