22 Nov 2023 MLB All-Star Game Returns to Atlanta After Georgia’s Election Integrity Law Shown to Protect – Not Disenfranchise – Black Voters
It would seem Major League Baseball’s temper tantrum has finally subsided.
In 2021, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred moved the MLB All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver to protest Georgia’s new voter integrity law. But now, even with the law remaining firmly in place, the game is returning to Atlanta.
And, thanks to the courage of Georgia leaders who have stood their ground against MLB and other naysayers, black voters in the state have found that their votes are more secure than ever.
Several ambassadors with the Project 21 black leadership network have things to say about this.
Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper:
What hypocrites. There was never any justification for taking the All-Star Game away from Atlanta to begin with. Georgia is not anti-black and doesn’t suppress black votes. The last two election cycles show that blacks are free to vote in the state, and they did so at record rates.
If the MLB was truly sorry for its earlier unwarranted and unjustified decision, it would set up a fund to compensate the small businesses — many of them black-owned — for their losses when it moved the All-Star Game.

Marquita Bushrod
Project 21 Ambassador Marquita Bushrod:
The Election Integrity Act of 2021 in no way disenfranchised black voters’ rights. However, moving the MLB game from Atlanta disenfranchised black- and nonblack-owned businesses that were already suffering during a pandemic. These businesses would have benefited economically from that MLB All-Star game.
Last week the MLB realized that by pulling the game from Atlanta in 2021, it was not standing for black Americans; rather, it was falling for a leftist agenda that is unfounded, lacks accountability and is not concerned with the citizens of this country.
We all make mistakes, but I am glad the MLB has seen the error of its ways and is now standing on the right side of the law. I hope that the seeking of truth and understanding continues to have a domino effect throughout this country. God Bless America! Play Ball!
Project 21 Ambassador DawnMarie Alexander Boursiquot:
In 2022, under heavy pressure from the left over voter regulations, the MLB moved the All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver. Now, 2 1/2 years later, vindication for Atlanta conservatives: the MLB All-Star game returns to Atlanta in 2025.
Many know the move to Denver was simply an attempt to hurt conservatives, but the social and economic impact on the Atlanta/Smyrna area cost the areas’ predominantly-black businesses millions of dollars. This situation is just another one that proves wokeness and racial intimidation come with a heavy price.
Project 21 Ambassador Mike Hill:
I suppose the fact that the MLB has kissed and made up with Georgia over its 2021 voting law proves that the law actually isn’t discriminatory against black voters.
In an effort to make elections more secure, the Georgia legislature passed a bill, which was signed into law by Governor Kemp, that prevented voter ballot harvesting. Leftists and self-proclaimed black leaders decried the law, saying many black votes would not be counted. Of course this has been proven to be false.
This should encourage other states to pass laws that make elections fair, secure and fraud-free. Play ball!
Project 21 Ambassador Richard Holt:
It’s about time corporations start standing up to left-wing radicals who want to destroy our country and our institutions all in the name of a sinister, unpatriotic and hateful political agenda.
The MLB’s decision is a Hallmark moment and a testament as to how weak the left’s argument is, and how little power leftists truly have in the long term to thwart American patriotic institutions.
Baseball is as American as apple pie, and any idea that left-wing radicals could destroy a symbol of American history, an American institution, just shows how vile and disgusting they truly are.
In the publication “What Election Reform Means for Black America,” Project 21 ambassadors wrote about the Georgia law:
Rather than being an instrument of “voter suppression” or having anything to do with Jim Crow, the new law attempts to normalize voting practices in a post-pandemic world. …
Could it be that behind the demonization of these and similar statutes adopted by other states — culminating in the attempted federal takeover of the nation’s voting procedures via congressional legislation — exists an effort to solidify and codify the entrenched interests of ruling elites, all in the name of protecting the rights of the America’s most vulnerable communities?
The publication can be read online here and downloaded here.