07 Mar 2024 State Of The Union Address A Manifest Of Progressive Policies
Biden Policies “Disconnected From Reality,” Say Black Conservatives
Washington, D.C. – In response to President Joe Biden’s 2024 State of the Union address, the third of his increasingly troubled presidency, ambassadors with the Project 21 black leadership network noted that the president’s take on the State of the Union doesn’t align with reality.
“The title of tonight’s State of the Union address should have been, ‘Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?'” said Project 21 ambassador and radio talk show host Christopher Arps. “The president boasts that ‘Bidenomics’ is working, but prices are up, wages are down and our southern border is wide open, resulting in an unprecedented number of illegal aliens invading our major cities — and in too many instances, harming and murdering our citizens.”
“The president’s self-proclaimed successes seem disconnected from reality, but what would you expect from a president who has attempted to shake hands with invisible people and who claims he has recently spoken with long-dead foreign leaders?” added Arps.
“Biden’s State of the Union address was more of a far-left manifesto than a governmental report,” said Project 21 ambassador Michael Austin. “It began as a Zelensky infomercial, only to spiral into a reelection tirade. And let’s talk about his performance: With constant yelling, more coughing than a pack-a-day smoker, and rants as decipherable as a toddler’s tantrum, this wasn’t a State of the Union Address but a political ‘Get off my lawn.'”
For three years, President Biden and his Administration have claimed the border was “safe and secure.” Yet now, he says illegal immigration is indeed a problem, but it is not his fault. Project 21 members note the damage illegal immigration is causing in black America, and offer sensible recommendations, in the recently- published “What Immigration Policy Means for Black America,” as well as in comments below.
“The sole responsibility of any government is to protect its citizens,” said Project 21 ambassador Terris Todd. “Unfortunately, the president has no reasonable explanation to the American people who are working two or three jobs to provide for their families and are also paying the cost for others to invade our country and end the lives of their loved ones. The message he sends to the world is that ‘lawlessness and failure’ gets rewarded.”
“Once again Biden fails to address the question on everyone’s mind, liberals and conservatives alike: What are you doing about the invasion at the Southern Border, which you claim you have no power to address when you are the one tasked with securing the nation?” asks Project 21 ambassador Auriol Sonia Morris. “And we cannot forget the resulting spike in crime, especially in minority communities that are already reeling from the Administration’s soft-on-crime policies. Our nation has become a veritable free-for-all — but only if you’re an illegal immigrant. If you are a legal immigrant or citizen, ‘too bad for you, but we’ll happily take your tax dollars and ruin national security and the economy.’
“We now know that this Administration is sneakily flying hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into the country,” added Morris. “All in all, it is very difficult to believe that what we are witnessing is not a purposeful crippling of this nation in an attempt to wipe this constitutional republic as we know it from the map. President Biden may go down in history not only as the worst president this country has ever known, but as the one who single-handedly destroyed the republic he was sworn to protect.
“It’s clear that Biden is not usually addressing normal everyday Americans,” continued Morris. “I often find myself asking the question: ‘Who is he speaking to?’ His only audience is clearly the liberal elites, and not people like you and me.
“The Biden Administration cares more about securing the nation of Ukraine than the one he’s supposed to be leading,” concluded Morris. “The concern about our Southern Border was the elephant in the room. It’s clear that Biden’s SOTU was nothing but a smokescreen over the endemic devastation he has caused in this country, with scripted applause to boot. May every one of those applauding be replaced when they come up for reelection. That’s how we keep these do-nothing lawmakers accountable. In summary, the SOTU was a non-event that gave us no encouragement about the future of America. Instead, we are more concerned than ever.”
The struggling economy is causing tremendous damage to lower- and middle-class Americans, but black Americans are especially hard hit.
“Once again, Biden continues his war on the finances of American families,” said Project 21 Director of Membership Development Donna Jackson. “Corporate tax hikes will only raise the prices of goods and services that American families are already struggling to afford. Aside from being a regressive tax on the poor, raising corporate taxes also means these businesses will have less money to hire, promote and pay raises and bonuses. This country was formed because the taxes imposed were too harsh for the founders to pay, but I guess that is one more American history lesson the Biden Administration failed to learn.”
Black Americans have been also hit hard by the scourge of abortion.
“Tonight the president once again declared that lives do not matter through his desire to reinstate Roe v. Wade,” said Project 21 ambassador Martin Baker. “The abominable Roe decision was party to countless lives being sacrificed under the premise of ‘reproductive health services.’ That act was complicit in the genocide of countless millions of black babies throughout our nation. The black community was hardest hit by the effects of abortion, as studies have shown that over a third of all abortions performed in the United States were to blacks. This is disturbing considering that blacks make up less than 13% of the population. This type of death rate is not conducive to sustaining the black population.
“The president further regaled us with record employment numbers, but yet again failed to address double-digit unemployment in most major cities for blacks over the age of 18,” continued Baker. “St Louis, Missouri, for example, is showing black unemployment at 13.1%, five times more than that of white counterparts. This is not the sign of happy times ahead. This is fuzzy math and does not bode well for our future.”
Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives for over 25 years, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research. Its members have been quoted, interviewed or published over 50,000 times since the program was created in 1992. Contributions to the National Center are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated and may be earmarked exclusively for the use of Project 21.
Founded in 1982, the National Center for Public Policy Research is a non-partisan, free-market, independent conservative think-tank. Ninety-four percent of its support comes from some 60,000 individuals, less than four percent from foundations and less than two percent from corporations. Sign up for email updates here. Follow Project 21 on Twitter at @Project21News for general announcements. To be alerted to upcoming media appearances by Project 21 members, follow our media appearances Twitter account at @NCPPRMedia.