Source: iStockphoto.comLame-duck sessions can be a dangerous time for the very reason that key legislation can pass absent public accountability. Lawmakers who were not asked by voters to return to Washington after the first of the year—and there are a ...
Was a time when building a high-tech superhighway of information—giving the world instant access to knowledge about almost anything—would earn you a good night’s sleep. Not anymore. Perhaps Google Inc. is tossing and turning over the amount of power it ...
With the latest jobs numbers showing that unemployment rose again for August to an alarming 9.6 percent and the workforce lost another 54,000 workers, how can it be that the Obama Administration still doesn’t get it? “We are taking actions,” ...
“The Summit of Sletill Hill,” Credit: Rupert FleetinglyPresident Obama’s $800 billion stimulus package of 2009, may be a dismal failure in creating jobs, but at least the 75-some dogs boarding at the DogBoy’s Dog Ranch in Texas are content. This ...
Disaster strikes in the Gulf, as the Houston Chronicle recently reported, with scientists desperately searching for the missing plume of oil initially predicted to be the size of one of the Great Lakes. Today’s Washington Post similarly and appropriately asks ...
“Harry Reid — The Scream.” Source: absentee_redstate’s photostream, big surprise, Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid yesterday pulled his “spill bill” from the Senate floor. Watch as he tries to brand Republicans “obstructionists” for standing in the way of his ...
Lisa Fritsch, a member of the National Center’s Project 21 black leadership network, will be guest-hosting the “Todd and Don Show” this week on KLBJ in Austin, Texas. Locally, KLBJ can be found at 590 on the AM dial. From anywhere, click here to ...
Lisa Fritsch, a member of the Project 21 black leadership network, will be the lead speaker at the “Back to Basics” tea party rally to be held on the steps of the capital building in Austin, Texas. The rally is ...
Source: iStockphotoMore tax dollars up in smoke from “greening’s” dismal failure. This in today’s New York Times: When Dan Beard resigned as House chief administrative officer this month, he left behind a “Green the Capitol” program that brought him constant criticism and ...
Forgive my bias (not only is the author one of my favorites; he also happens to be my husband), but here is a must-read on why the Obama Administration has no business being in the business of pushing “green” homes, ...
The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.