Author: Scott Shepard


Scott Shepard: An Open Letter to BlackRock Investors

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Dear BlackRock Investors: Larry Fink finally got around to a 2023 annual letter. In it he spends more than 9,000 words to confuse the picture about what’s really on tap for 2023: He knows he’s doing you wrong, violating his fiduciary ...
Silicon Valley Bank SVB

Scott Shepard: SVB and ESG: The Big Picture Is Even Worse

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It quickly emerged after Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was shuttered two weekends back that it had spent millions of shareholder (and, it appears, depositor) money for partisan political purposes that lie beyond the scope of its directors’ and executives’ statutory remit, including on ...
Diversity DEI discrimination

Scott Shepard: States Can Stop the Outsourcing of Race Discrimination by Corporations

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Last week The Federalist published an important story detailing how various companies are “laundering” or “out-sourcing” their efforts to discriminate against so-called “non-diverse” employees on the basis of race, sex and orientation to non-profits, charities and public benefit corporations. It reported that [i]n response to ...
Scott Shepard: Chips Subsidies Will Fail As Moon Shots and Covid Vaccines Already Have

Scott Shepard: Chips Subsidies Will Fail As Moon Shots and Covid Vaccines Already Have

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Really, that headline is too long. “Industrial policy will fail,” would have been enough. It’s exhausting that we collectively have to learn this again and again. Industrial policy does not work because it relies on central planning by government “experts,” ...
Sneaky businessman Executive Self Dealing

Scott Shepard: Frustrate the New Discrimination With National Declaration Day

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Conservatives have for some time taken to quoting Saul Alinsky that would-be reformers should “[m]ake the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” Often the quote is deployed in tandem with frustration at how hard it is to do that ...
carbon emissions

Scott Shepard: If Carbon Emissions Are ‘Material Disclosures,’ So Is Everything Else

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Recent reports suggest that Gary Gensler, the hard-left Chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), has realized that his proposed carbon-disclosure rule is so sweeping and costly as to guarantee that the courts will strike it down. He is now mulling ...
Scott Shepard: The Wokification of Corporate Life Is No Kind of Capitalism

Scott Shepard: The Wokification of Corporate Life Is No Kind of Capitalism

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Concerns about ChatGPT – which is an amazing new artificial-intelligence program that can write better than the average Buzzfeed writer and perhaps (a harder test) the average undergraduate (unless it’s just a mirage) – sparked concern among both writers, who realized that they ...
Larry Fink BlackRock

Scott Shepard: With Davos 2023 Wrapped, How To Cease Being a Comic Book Villain

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I was told recently by someone in a position to know that Larry Fink has been hurt by my having referred to him in these pages as a comic-book villain. My first reaction, this insight arising in a discussion with ...

Scott Shepard: Is Jamie Dimon Aware of the Partisan Double Standard Inside His Bank?

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Vis Raghavan, co-head of global investment banking at JPMorgan Chase, reported recently that most of the company’s employees had returned to working in the office. Maybe it’s time for CEO Jamie Dimon to spend a little more time there as well, as ...

Scott Shepard: BlackRock Accidentally Admits Role In Reversal of Economic Good Times

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In its 2023 Global Outlook, BlackRock rued the close of what it called the Great Moderation, the 40-odd years since the policies of Reagan and Thatcher brought forth from the malaise of inflation and stagnation a great flourishing of human creativity ...

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