Category: China

China U.S.

American Sub Tech Holds China at Bay /
It’s no secret that Communist China has its ambitions set on taking control of Taiwan. But this global strategic threat is being countered by the sharing of American submarine technology with Australia. This policy will have Chinese military commanders thinking ...
Visa Slammed for Sponsoring the Upcoming Beijing Olympics

Visa Slammed for Sponsoring the Upcoming Beijing Olympics

Press Release /
Visa Shareholders Express Concern Over Company’s Failure to Address Chinese Communist Party Atrocities Washington, D.C. – Visa executives today refused to address concerns from investors over the company’s continued sponsorship of the upcoming Beijing Olympics in light of the Chinese ...
AUKUS Promises an Effective Check on China in the South Pacific

AUKUS Promises an Effective Check on China in the South Pacific

Project 21 Commentary /
Allowing Australia to purchase Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines would provide an immediate, unseen, and unpredictable counter to any Chinese naval advance. Speaking in Washington, D.C. in late October, former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott floated the idea of acquiring  Los Angeles-class nuclear ...
Hunter’s Deal Doesn’t Paint a Pretty Picture for National Security

Hunter’s Deal Doesn’t Paint a Pretty Picture for National Security /
President Joe Biden signed an executive order in August requiring half of all new vehicles be zero-emission by 2030. That means more electric vehicles – just pay no attention to how many of them will actually be powered by fossil ...
Mainstream Media Amplifies Fink’s ESG Failure

Mainstream Media Amplifies Fink’s ESG Failure /
Larry Fink, the woke CEO of BlackRock, is using his influence in the business world as well as his company’s massive asset portfolio to push his beliefs about climate policy on the rest of the world – whether it likes ...
Jones Act Averts Homeland Security Crisis

Jones Act Averts Homeland Security Crisis /
Things might have been a lot tougher for American consumers if not for dedicated mariners who are charged with protecting the homeland under the Jones Act. In a little-known act of bravery, a would-be act of domestic terrorism was averted ...
Greens Reveal Radical Respect for Communist China

Greens Reveal Radical Respect for Communist China /
To save the world, green activists want America to capitulate to the Red Chinese. “This is evil, straight up,” writes Scott Shepard, director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project. “Dark, turgid, unregenerate evil.” In a July 7 letter to President ...
“Endless Frontier Act” is Endless Spending

“Endless Frontier Act” is Endless Spending /
There’s no question America is in the midst of a fierce business rivalry with Communist China, but the “Endless Frontier Act” currently under consideration in Congress – allegedly designed to make America more competitive – appears to be little more ...
The 'Endless Frontier Act' Slush Fund Is a Bad Idea

The ‘Endless Frontier Act’ Slush Fund Is a Bad Idea

Project 21 Commentary /
Do we have to become China to beat China? Apparently, some Republicans think so. Dozens in the House and Senate recently joined with Democrats to push a plan to use the byzantine protocols of government bureaucracies as a way to ...
Chinese Communists Have Learned One-Child Lesson, but Has the American Left?

Chinese Communists Have Learned One-Child Lesson, but Has the American Left? /
Alarmed at the nation's aging population, China's Communist leaders have decided to ease birth limits and allow Chinese families to have up to three children apiece. Chinese families had been limited to one child each starting in the 1980s – later ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.