The "Big 5" of corporate governance -- BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, ISS and Glass Lewis -- are, without a doubt, carrying water for the left. In a commentary published by Newsmax, Free Enterprise Project Associate Stefan Padfield wonders if the ...
Category: STT
FEP Hits Front Pages, Stands Out in Fight Against SEC Power Grab
Scott Shepard: Giant Investment Houses Are Still Infinitely Partisan
Scott Shepard: Hate Woke Corporatism? Vote Your Shares Against It In Minutes
Stefan Padfield: Shareholders Must Protect Their Voting Rights to Protect Their Profits
Stefan Padfield: Are The Big 5 Liars?
Scott Shepard: Partisan Bias Shot Through Operations at Vanguard, State Street
Sarah Rehberg: Wall Street Is In Bed With Crazy Climate Activists
State Street’s Subjective Definition of Risk Opens Executives Up to their own Risk of Personal Liability, Say Shareholder Activists
State Street’s Neutrality Claims Fold Under Scrutiny
State Street CEO Puts Personal Politics Ahead Of Investors And Clients