Category: Global Warming


Conservative Shareholder Activists Present Proposals Addressing Abortion, DEI and Fossil Fuels

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. – Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at eight shareholder meetings this week - including Eli Lilly, Bristol Myers Squibb and Capital One. As shareholder meeting season ...
electric car

Kathleen Wells: The Political Left’s Failed History Continues with Electric Cars

Project 21 Commentary /
The Political Left demonstrates a schizophrenic belief system that fails and tends to vacillate in time. If one lives long enough and pays attention, one realizes that the policies embraced by the Political Left have all been complete and utter ...

Latest UN Climate Report Stokes Fears, Ignores Reality, Empowers Elites

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Bonner Cohen, Ph.D., senior fellow at the National Center, has issued this response to the UN's latest climate report: The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims in its latest report that the world is likely to pass ...
Bonner Cohen: Schemes to Suck CO2 From the Air Will Reduce Global Food Supply

Bonner Cohen: Schemes to Suck CO2 From the Air Will Reduce Global Food Supply

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The obsession of global elites – in and out of government – with saving the planet from what they insist is a “climate crisis” includes a slew of policies that enrich politically favored purveyors of green energy while disregarding the ...
carbon emissions

Pointless Climate Disclosures Threaten Corporations

FEP Commentary /
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), led by Gary Gensler, is finalizing a rule that will -- unless defeated in court -- require companies to make onerous carbon-emissions disclosures. These disclosures are unlikely either to help the environment or ...
carbon emissions

Scott Shepard: If Carbon Emissions Are ‘Material Disclosures,’ So Is Everything Else

FEP Commentary /
Recent reports suggest that Gary Gensler, the hard-left Chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), has realized that his proposed carbon-disclosure rule is so sweeping and costly as to guarantee that the courts will strike it down. He is now mulling ...
Donna Jackson

Project 21 to Testify Before House Energy and Commerce Committee in First Hearing of 118th Congress

Press Release /
Biden Energy Policies Threaten Minority Families and Businesses Washington, D.C. - Donna Jackson - the Director of Membership Development for Project 21, the black leadership network of the National Center for Public Policy Research - will testify today before the ...
Conservative Activists Offer Exxon a Stellar, Sensible Board Nominee

Conservative Activists Offer Exxon a Stellar, Sensible Board Nominee

FEP Commentary /
Europe’s headed for a long, cold winter – the fault for which lies squarely at the feet of climate-catastrophist politicians and business executives. Neither of those groups appear to have learned the necessary lessons. National electorates are providing some salutary ...
If Global Warming Is 'Existential,' Will Larry Fink Ration?

If Global Warming Is ‘Existential,’ Will Larry Fink Ration?

FEP Commentary /
If carbon emissions are a world-historical crisis, if they threaten the end of modern civilization, and if the only way to respond is to end those emissions, then we must all sacrifice, equally, the liberties and comforts that carbon emissions afford us ...
climate pain at the pump gas prices

It’s Time To Turn The Tables On Our Would-Be Climate Overlords

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American consumers are already reaping the whirlwind from the Biden administration’s deliberate sacrifice of American energy independence on the altar of green energy’s false promises. Whether at the pump or at the supermarket, Americans are seeing their disposable incomes eaten away ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.