Category: Global Warming


Court Stops Bureaucrats from Becoming “De Facto Lawmakers” /
In the U.S. Supreme Court’s significant ruling in the case of West Virginia v. EPA, the justices pushed back hard against the unelected bureaucrats who have been trying to implement large-scale change regarding the nation’s energy policy, says National Center Senior ...
Biden Orders Carbon Neutrality, But "No Executive Order Can Override the Laws of Physics"

Biden Orders Carbon Neutrality, But “No Executive Order Can Override the Laws of Physics” /
President Joe Biden signed an executive order aimed at making the federal government carbon-neutral by 2050. Of course, just because he has demanded this pipe-dream goal doesn't mean it's feasible. "No executive order can override the laws of physics," responded National ...
Giving In to the Greens Only Got Exxon More Grief

Giving In to the Greens Only Got Exxon More Grief /
ExxonMobil, a major target of the environmentalist lobby, is now supporting carbon taxes and adherence to the Paris climate accord. But this about-face on policy has not earned it any respect from the greens. This doesn’t surprise National Center Senior ...
Regulations Could Ruin Pennsylvania’s Energy Industry

Regulations Could Ruin Pennsylvania’s Energy Industry /
Why would Pennsylvania’s leadership shoot itself in the foot? In a victory for Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a “climate change” zealot, the state’s Independent Regulatory Review Commission voted to approve proposed regulations that could impose cap-and-trade fees on energy producers ...
Biden’s “Social Cost” Climate Analysis Flawed

Biden’s “Social Cost” Climate Analysis Flawed

Press Release /
Black Activist Advocates Instead for Analysis of Regulatory Impact on Minorities Washington, D.C. - Noting that “[i]f the predictions of the environmental ‘experts’ and their models over the course of my life were true, I’d already be dead,” Derrick Hollie ...
“Expert” Predictions No Substitute for Regulatory Safeguards Today

“Expert” Predictions No Substitute for Regulatory Safeguards Today /
“If the predictions of the environmental ‘experts’ and their models over the course of my life were true, I’d already be dead.” In a Townhall commentary, Project 21 member Derrick Hollie makes a compelling case against the Biden Administration’s interest ...
Goldman Sachs CEO Accused of "Ignoring Fiduciary Duty" for Insisting on "Meaningless" and "Deeply Damaging" Climate Policies

Goldman Sachs CEO Accused of “Ignoring Fiduciary Duty” for Insisting on “Meaningless” and “Deeply Damaging” Climate Policies

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. – Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon made no apologies today for imposing restrictive carbon policies upon other American corporations, claiming these efforts best serve his clients. The Free Enterprise Project (FEP) disagreed, telling Solomon that these policies are ...
New Wind Energy Blowing Up Cybersecurity Threats

New Wind Energy Blowing Up Cybersecurity Threats /
With the Biden Administration announcing its intention to increase the dependence of the American energy grid on renewable sources such as wind, it may also be increasing the threat of cyberattacks on infrastructure by random hackers and hostile governments such ...
“Equity” a New Spin on Old, Unfair Politics

“Equity” a New Spin on Old, Unfair Politics /
“Equity” is the new buzzword in the Biden Administration. But the notion of an equal outcome by any means necessary is just “another term” for more bad policies that will actually have very disparate results for those affected. Project 21 ...
To Beat Biden, Trump Must Send UN Climate Treaty to Senate

To Beat Biden, Trump Must Send UN Climate Treaty to Senate /
While President Donald Trump formally withdrew the United States from the United Nations’s Paris Climate Agreement, there’s a distinct likelihood that Joe Biden will try to reinstate it as soon as he possibly can. That means it’s imperative for President ...

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