Category: Project 21 Commentary

Donna Jackson

Donna Jackson: The Green Agenda Is a Financial Disaster for Minority Communities

Media Mention /
In The Daily Caller, Project 21's Donna Jackson refutes the Biden Administration's claims that its environmental agenda will help minorities and other vulnerable groups in America: ...Donna Jackson, the director of membership for the National Center’s Project 21 black leadership ...
Martin Luther King, Jr., Had a Dream. The Left Favors a Nightmare.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Had a Dream. The Left Favors a Nightmare.

Project 21 Commentary /
As Americans reflect on the voice and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on this 38th observance of his accomplished life, Project 21 ambassadors reflect as well, and recognize that while there have been tremendous leaps forward, the progressive ...
Martin Baker: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Does Not Do as Advertised

Martin Baker: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Does Not Do as Advertised

Project 21 Commentary /
"Throwing money at a problem has never solved the problem," writes Project 21 Ambassador Martin Baker, and he notes that President Biden's Bipartisan Safer Communities Act is no exception to that rule. In a commentary syndicated through InsideSources, Martin says ...

Black Conservatives Cheer Resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay

Project 21 Commentary /
Harvard President Claudine Gay announced her resignation today as Harvard’s first black and second female president, making her the shortest tenured president in Harvard’s history. During Gay’s recent testimony before Congress, when asked if antisemitic acts and calling for the ...
carjacking crime gun

With D.C. Crime Out of Control, Congress Must Intervene

Project 21 Commentary /
As Washington, D.C. crime soars, with local leaders apparently impotent to control it, ambassadors with the Project 21 black leadership network are calling upon Congress to intervene. A recent carjacking of an off-duty FBI agent demonstrates that truly no one ...
black pastor priest church

Martin Baker: Black Americans Are Being Led Astray by Politicized Pastors

Project 21 Commentary /
In a commentary published by Human Events, Project 21 Ambassador Martin Baker bemoans the corruption of many black churches, and particularly pastors who allow pulpit access to those who misuse it for political ends: Black ministers have been led down ...

MLB All-Star Game Returns to Atlanta After Georgia’s Election Integrity Law Shown to Protect – Not Disenfranchise – Black Voters

Project 21 Commentary /
It would seem Major League Baseball's temper tantrum has finally subsided. In 2021, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred moved the MLB All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver to protest Georgia's new voter integrity law. But now, even with the law remaining ...
Patrina Mosley: We Must Change People’s Minds About Sex, Not Just Abortion

Patrina Mosley: We Must Change People’s Minds About Sex, Not Just Abortion

Project 21 Commentary /
"Abortion is certifiably a kitchen-table issue now," writes Project 21 Ambassador Patrina Mosley in a commentary syndicated through InsideSources. But as she reflects on recent ballot results, many of which were discouraging to pro-lifers, Patrina says that those wanting to ...
Joe Biden

Deroy Murdock: The Only Thing That Israel Should ‘Cease’ Is Listening To Joe Biden

Project 21 Commentary /
Project 21 Ambassador Deroy Murdock is blasting President Biden for asking Israel to -- as Deroy puts it -- "give Hamas 72 hours to catch its breath." In a commentary published by The Daily Caller, Deroy writes: Give Hamas this: It ...
Donna Jackson: Electric Vehicle Agenda Is Failing Families

Donna Jackson: Electric Vehicle Agenda Is Failing Families

Project 21 Commentary /
"Owning a car facilitates upward mobility and a better way of life for low-income individuals and families," writes Project 21's Donna Jackson in a commentary syndicated through InsideSources. Unfortunately, the electric vehicle agenda of the Biden Administration is having the ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.