Tag: Media Appearance

Horace Hannity Huckabee

Horace Cooper: Americans are Choosing to Travel to Florida Over Progressive Hellholes

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The NAACP is warning black Americans to stay away from Florida, but Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper noted that Americans of all races are obviously not heeding that politicized advice. On the Fox News program "Hannity," Horace discussed the NAACP's ...
Horace Cooper Reparations

Horace Cooper: Leftists Offer False Promise of Reparations Knowing They’ve Failed Black Americans

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Reparations may be a hot topic right now, but it's never going to happen, says Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper. Following up on his column at FoxNews.com ("California’s Reparations Scam: Michael Jackson’s Kids Would Get Payouts"), Horace appeared last night ...
Horace Cooper on the Ingraham Angle

Horace Cooper Slams “Al Not-So-Sharpton” for Politicizing Neely Death

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On the Fox News program "The Ingraham Angle," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper slammed Al Sharpton and others who have used the death of Jordan Neely to score political points rather than wait for all of the evidence to be ...
Horace Cooper: Diversity Programs Add Division, Not Value, to Workplaces

Horace Cooper: Diversity Programs Add Division, Not Value, to Workplaces

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On the Scripps News program "The Why," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper explained why diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs are destructive to businesses: I refer to it as D-I-E instead of DEI because it's a killer in the workplace ...
Horace Cooper Kamala Harris

Horace Cooper: Kamala Harris Is the Most Incompetent Vice President Ever

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On the Fox News Channel program "The Ingraham Angle," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper and host Laura Ingraham marveled at the incompetence of Vice President Kamala Harris -- and lamented that criticizing her publicly gets one labelled sexist and racist ...
Hakeem Jeffries

Horace Cooper: Black Americans Are More Conservative Than Americans at Whole

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Fox News host Jesse Watters brought Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper onto his show "Jesse Watters Primetime" to discuss recent revelations that U.S. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries compared black conservatives to "house negroes." Horace pointed out that black conservatism ...
Horace Cooper

Horace Cooper: Biden More Threatened By Catholics Than Pentagon Leak

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On last night's episode of "The Ingraham Angle" on the Fox News Channel, Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper said that the recent Pentagon leak controversy is more evidence that the Biden Administration has its priorities all wrong. Horace told guest ...
Horace Cooper on Ingraham Angle

Horace Cooper: A Woke Fighting Force Is a Joke Fighting Force

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On the Fox News program "The Ingraham Angle," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper and host Laura Ingraham discussed the woke viruses infecting the U.S. military and State Department. Regarding poisonous anti-white racial statements being tolerated at the Pentagon, Horace said: ...
Colin Kaepernick

Project 21 Members Slam Colin Kaepernick’s Lack of Gratitude

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Two Project 21 members appeared on the Fox News Channel this week to lament how athlete-turned-whiner Colin Kaepernick has now painted his adoptive parents as racist in his new graphic novel. On "The Ingraham Angle," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper ...
Whitley Yates: Secure the Border to Prevent Other Fentanyl Tragedies

Whitley Yates: Secure the Border to Prevent Other Fentanyl Tragedies

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"I sit before you as someone who's lost two family members this year, in 2023, to fentanyl poisoning. We buried them last week," Project 21's Whitley Yates told Newsmax hosts Bob Sellers and Katrina Szish. She added: This is a ...

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