Tag: Raising the Barr

Rainn, Rainn Go Away: Anti-Gun Tweets Off-Target

Rainn, Rainn Go Away: Anti-Gun Tweets Off-Target

Raising the Barr /
Rainn Wilson is channeling his inner Ilhan Omar. In taking aim at our Second Amendment freedom against government infringement on the right to keep and bear arms, the actor best known for playing Assistant to the Regional Manager Dwight Schrute ...
Rob Reiner’s Hypocrisy Goes to 11

Rob Reiner’s Hypocrisy Goes to 11

Raising the Barr /
Rob Reiner hates hate. He says he is so opposed to discrimination on the part of President Donald Trump that, in his opinion, anyone who supports the President is either a racist or a racist enabler. It’s a categorical judgement ...
Midler’s Off-Key Tune: Blacks Can’t Support Trump

Midler’s Off-Key Tune: Blacks Can’t Support Trump

Raising the Barr /
The Rose has started to stink. Bette Midler – a star of stage, screen and the recording industry, greatly honored by tolerant society for her acting and singing – was hardly divine when she recently suggested black conservatives and other blacks ...
Marc Lamont Hill Sees Zionist Media Conspiracy, Opposes Safe Space for Jews

Marc Lamont Hill Sees Zionist Media Conspiracy, Opposes Safe Space for Jews

Raising the Barr /
Those who complained that CNN went too far when it fired Marc Lamont Hill last year have received their comeuppance. Hill’s contract as a political commentator was terminated in November after he made anti-Zionist comments during a United Nations-sponsored event ...
Erica Thomas Backtracks on “Go Back” Accusation

Erica Thomas Backtracks on “Go Back” Accusation

Raising the Barr /
Meet Georgia Representative Erica Thomas. As detractors of President Donald Trump made much of his recent tweet suggesting that his congressional critics should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came” and ...
Ayanna Pressley’s Racial Radicalism Repudiated

Ayanna Pressley’s Racial Radicalism Repudiated

Raising the Barr /
Representative Ayanna Pressley pulled back the curtain at the recent Netroots Nation conference to show that the organizing principles of the left appear similar to the organizing principles of the alt-right and white nationalists. In pitching her adversarial approach in ...
Women’s Soccer Star’s “Blaccent” Deserves a Yellow Card

Women’s Soccer Star’s “Blaccent” Deserves a Yellow Card

Raising the Barr /
When kids go back to school this fall, there’s a pretty good chance their teachers will have posted a photo of the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT) winning the FIFA Women’s World Cup in soccer. Does it deserve this honor? Since ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.