Author: David Ridenour

tax code

To Promote Fairness, Scrap the Tax Code

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As we approach another year’s tax filing deadline, let’s take a moment to marvel at how truly idiotic the tax code has become. In its zeal to maximize revenue while advancing social good, Congress has created a code that produces ...
Together We Can Build Freedom’s Embassy

Together We Can Build Freedom’s Embassy /
Dear friends of the National Center, Project 21 and the Free Enterprise Project, With the radical left in charge of Congress and the White House and determined to fast-track our country into socialism… With corporate America fighting common-sense state level ...
We Didn’t Declare the New Cold War, but We Must Win It

We Didn’t Declare the New Cold War, but We Must Win It

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China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi says the United States is pushing the two countries to the brink of a new cold war. On the brink? No, we've been in that cold war for years with China. The Trump administration is ...
China and Our Medical Supply Chain

China and Our Medical Supply Chain

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The White House may soon issue an executive order that would require drug companies to manufacture certain essential medicines here in the United States. Lawmakers in both parties are pushing for more domestic manufacturing of drugs and medical products. Proponents ...
PPP Funding and the Liberty Movement

PPP Funding and the Liberty Movement /
The following is a statement from David A. Ridenour, president of the National Center, on Paycheck Protection Program funding: The leftist publications Slate and Daily Beast published articles suggesting that a number of limited-government groups have violated their deeply-held principles ...
The Right Way to Buy American? Slow and Steady

The Right Way to Buy American? Slow and Steady

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The White House may soon issue an executive order that would require drug companies to manufacture certain essential medicines here in the United States. And lawmakers in both parties are pushing for more domestic manufacturing of drugs and other medical ...
Stop Encouraging the CIA to Go Rogue... Confirm Gina Haspel

Stop Encouraging the CIA to Go Rogue… Confirm Gina Haspel /
Gina Haspel’s confirmation as the next CIA director is in trouble because she did what she was supposed to do: Follow directions of her superiors. Haspel was in charge of a so-called “black site” in Thailand during George W. Bush’s ...
Ken Boehm

Remembering Ken Boehm, the Original Happy Warrior /
The conservative movement has lost one of its most effective warriors: Ken Boehm, chairman emeritus of the National Legal and Policy Center. All of us at the National Center for Public Policy Research join Ken’s family and colleagues at the National ...
In Losing David Rothbard, the Liberty Movement Has Lost One of its Finest

In Losing David Rothbard, the Liberty Movement Has Lost One of its Finest /
The conservative movement has lost one of its giants: David Rothbard, co-founder of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). All of us at the National Center for Public Policy Research join David’s family and CFACT in mourning his loss ...
Bob Iger

Bob Iger: Just Because You Cater to Children is No Reason to Act Like Them /
Disney CEO Bob Iger has obviously spent too much time with children at the happiest place on earth. He seems to have adopted their maturity level. In a move strikingly similar to that of a child kicking over a board ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.