Category: CRM

Salesforce Dell

Investors Call Out Dell and Salesforce for Pursuing Radical Agendas at Shareholders’ Expense

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Washington, D.C. -- Today, shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at two shareholder meetings, Dell and Salesforce. They will criticize Dell for contributing charitable donations to extreme left-wing LGBTQ ...

Salesforce Called Out for Corporate Board Incest

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Washington, D.C. - Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present a proposal at Salesforce's annual shareholder meeting Thursday addressing corporate board incest. FEP's proposal at Salesforce (Proposal #7) would forbid company ...
Diversity DEI discrimination

Scott Shepard: States Can Stop the Outsourcing of Race Discrimination by Corporations

FEP Commentary /
Last week The Federalist published an important story detailing how various companies are “laundering” or “out-sourcing” their efforts to discriminate against so-called “non-diverse” employees on the basis of race, sex and orientation to non-profits, charities and public benefit corporations. It reported that [i]n response to ...
Is the Woke Corporate 'Worm' Finally Turning?

Is the Woke Corporate ‘Worm’ Finally Turning?

More than a few executives appear to be glimpsing the high costs of politicized corporate management. A chief driver of these revelations is surely the rolling market correction that has characterized 2022. At one point last week, the Nasdaq was ...
Big Business Learns Lesson From Georgia, No Mass Boycott Of Texas

Big Business Learns Lesson From Georgia, No Mass Boycott Of Texas

The word woke once evoked the image of a brilliant sun over a fresh new morning. But “woke” raises dimmer connotations. Our latest, woefully redundant evidence of the hopeless flaw in the foundational metaphor of this destructive movement: As the ...
Angry At Left-Wing Corporate Leaders? Here's How to "Vote the Bums Out"

Angry At Left-Wing Corporate Leaders? Here’s How to “Vote the Bums Out”

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New Publication Encourages Shareholders to Vote the Most Egregious Offenders off Corporate Boards Washington, D.C. – The Free Enterprise Project (FEP) published a key report today that encourages investors to voice their displeasure with censorship and “woke capitalism” by voting ...
Salesforce Reserves the Right to Fire Employees for Political Beliefs – But Can’t Explain Why

Salesforce Reserves the Right to Fire Employees for Political Beliefs – But Can’t Explain Why

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Washington, D.C. –Salesforce head Marc Benioff, perhaps the most liberal CEO in America, had zero defense when he was called out for refusing to protect his employees and potential hires from blatant discrimination based on their respective ideologies. Benioff’s stunned ...
Salesforce Founder Risks Investors’ Stakes

Salesforce Founder Risks Investors’ Stakes /
As Salesforce founder Marc Benioff claims his position as a corporate leader allows him “a huge platform to inspire people to do the right thing” by leveraging his company’s power, Free Enterprise Project Director Justin Danhof, Esq., points out that ...
Corporate America Shows Respect for Free Enterprise Project

Corporate America Shows Respect for Free Enterprise Project /
In the recent Fox Business coverage of the successful shareholder season for the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP), writer Joe Williams notes: With his increased activism, [FEP Director Justin] Danhof and his group are becoming more well-known among corporate ...
Salesforce Rejects Diversity – Far-Left Board Votes to Remain Liberal Enclave

Salesforce Rejects Diversity – Far-Left Board Votes to Remain Liberal Enclave

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Free-Market Leader Condemns Software Giant's Posturing Against Religious Liberty and the Second Amendment San Francisco, CA/Washington, D.C. - Software giant Salesforce has rejected a shareholder resolution designed to encourage a diverse balance of thought on the tech giant’s left-leaning board of ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.