As the nation becomes more politically polarized, corporations are making the surprising choice to take sides. And, predictably, politics is having an impact on their bottom lines. In a Wall Street Journal report on this very troubling business model, reporters ...
Category: DKS
Stefan Padfield: Enhanced Scrutiny and the Omnipresent Specter of Political Bias
Investors Call Out Target and Dick’s Sporting Goods for Going Woke at Shareholders’ Expense
Virtual Meetings Shortchange Shareholders
Dick’s Sporting Goods Can’t Shoot Straight
“Woke” Companies Risk Going Broke
Conservatives Must Become a “Squeaky Wheel” to Influence Corporate America
Anti-Gun Stance Yields More Bad News for Dick’s Sporting Goods
Free Enterprise Project Challenges Anti-Second Amendment Corporations
Anti-Gun Stance Blows Away Dick’s Profits
Dick’s Sporting Goods Doubles-Down on Reduced Gun Sales