Category: DKS

Dick's Sporting Goods

Stefan Padfield: Enhanced Scrutiny and the Omnipresent Specter of Political Bias

FEP Commentary /
What can we do if corporate decision-makers have become so committed to -- or even blinded by -- their political tribalism and activist mindset that they are creating actionable conflicts of interest within their own companies? In a commentary posted ...
burning money fire

Investors Call Out Target and Dick’s Sporting Goods for Going Woke at Shareholders’ Expense

Press Release /
Caterpillar Will Also Be Asked to Stop Overboarding Washington, D.C. - Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at three shareholder meetings on Wednesday -- Dick's Sporting Goods, Target and ...
Virtual Meetings Shortchange Shareholders

Virtual Meetings Shortchange Shareholders /
“CEOs of publicly traded companies may tell shareholders that they miss seeing them in person, but they are taking advantage of the virtual meeting format to duck those shareholders’ tough questions.” I point this out in a new commentary published ...
Dick's Sporting Goods

Dick’s Sporting Goods Can’t Shoot Straight /
Throughout the 2020 shareholder season, companies have used the virtual meeting format adopted for COVID-19 restrictions to avoid facing tough questions from conservative investors. In the traditional in-person meeting format, a CEO never knows what questions might come from the ...
“Woke” Companies Risk Going Broke

“Woke” Companies Risk Going Broke /
As the nation becomes more politically polarized, corporations are making the surprising choice to take sides. And, predictably, politics is having an impact on their bottom lines. In a Wall Street Journal report on this very troubling business model, reporters ...
Conservatives Must Become a "Squeaky Wheel" to Influence Corporate America

Conservatives Must Become a “Squeaky Wheel” to Influence Corporate America /
“Now is the time for action. Now is not the time for passivity.” That’s the advice Justin Danhof, Esq., the National Center’s general counsel and director of its Free Enterprise Project (FEP), has for conservatives when it comes to dealing ...
Dick's Sporting Goods

Anti-Gun Stance Yields More Bad News for Dick’s Sporting Goods /
It was another bad earnings report from Dick’s Sporting Goods, coming almost six months after the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP) first warned CEO Ed Stack that the retailer had made a poor decision by restricting all interested customers from ...
Free Enterprise Project Challenges Anti-Second Amendment Corporations

Free Enterprise Project Challenges Anti-Second Amendment Corporations

Third of a three-part series Following the Parkland shooting, the corporate backlash against the NRA and the Second Amendment was quick and decisive. At the Free Enterprise Project, we took the backlash as a call for action. We immediately reallocated ...
Anti-Gun Stance Blows Away Dick’s Profits

Anti-Gun Stance Blows Away Dick’s Profits /
Dick’s Sporting Goods, infamous for joining the anti-gun mob after the Parkland school shootings earlier this year, saw its stock tumble upon news of an anemic second quarter earnings report. Executives can’t say they weren’t warned. The National Center’s Free Enterprise ...
Dick's Sporting Goods

Dick’s Sporting Goods Doubles-Down on Reduced Gun Sales

Press Release /
CEO Admits Alienating Customers, Says It's "Fine" Shareholder No Longer Shops There Pittsburgh, PA / Washington, DC - Dick's Sporting Goods reaffirmed its decision to end certain firearms-related sales during today's annual meeting of its shareholders. A shareholder activist challenged corporate ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.