Category: NFLX

Alphabet Google Walmart Netflix Warner Bros Discovery

Top Brands Confronted Over Controversial Stances and Possible Discrimination

Press Release /
Washington, D.C. - Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at four shareholder meetings this week -- Warner Bros. Discovery, Walmart, Netflix and Alphabet. At Warner Bros. Discovery, Walmart and ...
Companies Aligned With BLM Must Respond to Hamas Atrocities

Companies Aligned With BLM Must Respond to Hamas Atrocities

FEP Commentary /
For the last several years, representatives of both our Free Enterprise Project (FEP) and our Project 21 black leadership network have warned corporations as well as the general public that if they wanted to support justice, racial equality and the ...
Stefan Padfield: Break Up Overboarding to Break Up Woke Capitalism

Stefan Padfield: Break Up Overboarding to Break Up Woke Capitalism

FEP Commentary /
In light of the July 12-14 hearings before the House Financial Services Committee examining the impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors on financial decision-making, there has been a lot of talk about ways to rein in what might loosely be ...
Scott Shepard at the 2020 Walgreens shareholder meeting

The 2023 Shareholder Meeting Season in Review

Free Enterprise Project /
Like last year, the 2023 shareholder meeting season was a mixed bag of hope and frustration. On one hand, rampant wokeness and corruption continue to define shareholder meetings. But promisingly, there is more pushback to corporate wokeness than ever before, ...

Walmart, Netflix and Alphabet Face Challenges from Conservative Shareholder Activists

Press Release /
Proposals Address Discrimination in Hiring and Firing, Corporate Board Incest and Corporate/Government Collusion Washington, D.C. - Shareholder activists with the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project (FEP) will present proposals at three shareholder meetings this week - Walmart, ...
corporate elites

Corporate Elites Don’t Recognize Shareholders As Owners

Every American has experienced miserable customer service from our corporate overlords, but that cold shoulder is a warm hug compared to how corporations cheat and deceive their own owners — the shareholders. As a conservative shareholder activist for the Free ...
Is the Woke Corporate 'Worm' Finally Turning?

Is the Woke Corporate ‘Worm’ Finally Turning?

More than a few executives appear to be glimpsing the high costs of politicized corporate management. A chief driver of these revelations is surely the rolling market correction that has characterized 2022. At one point last week, the Nasdaq was ...
The Revolving Door Is Only Spinning Left Now

The Revolving Door Is Only Spinning Left Now

The “revolving door” has been around for hundreds of years. I’m not talking about the literal one used to enter a fancy hotel – that came later – but rather, the migration of workers from the private sector to public ...
How Woke CEOs Traded Our Future For BLM Approval

How Woke CEOs Traded Our Future For BLM Approval

An astonishing number of corporate leaders nationwide – who should all know better – have jumped to the support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization and fellow-traveling groups and have boosted claims that the riotous hordes defiling the downtowns (and sometimes the ...
Netflix Blasted for Supporting Black Lives Matter While American Cities Burn

Netflix Blasted for Supporting Black Lives Matter While American Cities Burn

Press Release /
Media Giant Called “Two-Faced” for Threatening Boycotts Over American Pro-Life Legislation While Silently Operating in Regions like Egypt that Ban Abortion Washington, D.C. – Netflix was slammed at its annual shareholder meeting yesterday for supporting Black Lives Matter even as ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.