Category: Environmental Justice

East Palestine train derailment

There’s No “Environmental Justice” for East Palestine, Ohio

Commentary /
"The derailment of a chemical-laden Norfolk Southern freight train, resulting in huge plumes of smoke and persistent odors, has residents of East Palestine, Ohio baffled over a federal response bordering on indifference," says National Center Senior Fellow Bonner Cohen, Ph.D ...
Biden's energy policies hurt black Americans. Energy Poverty

Derrick Hollie: Preventing Energy Poverty

Project 21 Commentary /
Due to an unwelcome rise in energy prices this winter season, the average U.S. household expenditures are expected to increase by 28% for natural gas, 27% for heating oil, 10% for electricity and 5% for propane. The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Winter ...
Donna Jackson

Project 21 to Testify Before House Energy and Commerce Committee in First Hearing of 118th Congress

Press Release /
Biden Energy Policies Threaten Minority Families and Businesses Washington, D.C. - Donna Jackson - the Director of Membership Development for Project 21, the black leadership network of the National Center for Public Policy Research - will testify today before the ...
Donna Jackson Testimony

Donna Jackson: Minorities Suffer Disproportionately Under Biden Climate Policies

Project 21 Commentary /
One week after participating in "A Roundtable on Unaffordable Energy Costs" with members of the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee, Project 21's Donna Jackson has summarized her remarks in a striking commentary syndicated through InsideSources. Donna Jackson Donna, who ...
Donna Jackson Speaks Before the House Energy & Commerce Committee

Black Leadership Network Gives Congressional Testimony on Energy and Race

Press Release /
Minority Communities are Suffering Under the Green Energy Agenda Washington, D.C. - Today Donna Jackson - the Director of Membership Development for Project 21, the black leadership network of the National Center for Public Policy Research - will deliver remarks to ...
Donna Jackson to Speak Before House Committee Tomorrow

Donna Jackson to Speak Before House Committee Tomorrow /
Donna Jackson, who serves as the director of membership development for the National Center's Project 21 black leadership network, will be participating tomorrow morning in a roundtable before the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce. The event is entitled ...
Donna Jackson: The Minority Exploitation Game Called ‘Environmental Justice’

Donna Jackson: The Minority Exploitation Game Called ‘Environmental Justice’

Project 21 Commentary /
It should be no surprise that the monumentally misnamed Inflation Reduction Act is filled with provisions likely to accomplish something other than the advertised purpose. Perhaps phoniest of all are the “environmental justice” measures that, in truth, will inflict injustice ...
Biden's energy policies hurt black Americans. Energy Poverty

Biden Policies Promoting Energy Poverty /
With no end in sight for rising consumer prices, the issue of energy poverty is a growing concern for Americans – and for billions of people across the globe. Yet the green lobby and its allies in the government are ...
Energy Independence, Security Essential to Freedom

Energy Independence, Security Essential to Freedom /
“America is more capable than ever of providing affordable energy to its citizens.” And yet it’s not doing so right now. Skyrocketing energy prices – of gasoline, in particular – have helped bring about increasing inflation and declining consumer confidence ...
Biden's energy policies hurt black Americans. Energy Poverty

Climate Regulations Create Environmental Injustice

Press Release /
Black Activists Condemn Costs of Biden Agenda Washington, D.C. - Members of the Project 21 black leadership network called President Biden’s energy agenda an environmental injustice, noting that poor and minority Americans will be hurt the most by policies that ...

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