Tag: Media Appearance

Horace Cooper discusses affirmative action on Fox News

Horace Cooper: Racial Preferences are Against the Law

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Policies that give preference to people based on the color of their skin are "on very very shaky constitutional grounds," says Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper.  "You are not legally allowed to prefer the race of a person and then ...
iphone censorship online account suspended

Scott Shepard: United Nations Plan to Regulate Communications Threatens Freedom and Civilization

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A new United Nations (UN) proposal to regulate online communications worldwide "is freedom-threateningly and civilization-threateningly serious," says Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard. On an episode of the Family Research Council's "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins," Scott joined Tony to ...
Scott Shepard Stella Escobedo Soros

Scott Shepard: George Soros is Doing All He Can Do to Destroy America and the English-Speaking World

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Free Enterprise Project Director Scott Shepard has to give it to George Soros: If I were setting out to destroy not only the United States but the whole of the Anglosphere -- the whole of the English-speaking world, the world ...
Horace Cooper: Instead of Educating Our Students, Public Schools Are Training Them to Be Woke Social Warriors

Horace Cooper: Instead of Educating Our Students, Public Schools Are Training Them to Be Woke Social Warriors

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Public school students in California and New York are among the newest test subjects for liberal campaigns against "disinformation" and "hate." Of course, Governors Gavin Newsom and Kathy Hochul say their efforts to teach kids to target and combat conservative ...
Horace Cooper Ingraham

Horace Cooper: Black Americans Are Standing Up to Progressive Crime Policies and Saying “No More”

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"The progressives created this heartbreak in black America, and black Americans are standing up and saying 'no more.'" Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper says the times are a-changin' when it comes to black Americans' trust in progressives to look out ...
Jewish women at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

Horace Cooper: Hamas Sympathizers May Have the Right to Advocate Evil, But They Should Be Shunned

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On the Fox News program "Hannity," Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper condemned those at Harvard University and elsewhere in America who are justifying the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists. Horace told host Sean Hannity and fellow guest Professor Alan Dershowitz: ...
Horace OANN BLM Hamas

Horace Cooper: BLM’s Support of Hamas Terrorism Flows From its Own Reign of Terror in America

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It should surprise no one that Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapters around the United States are rising up to support the Hamas terrorists. On the One America News Network, Project 21 Chairman Horace Cooper told Stella Escobedo that BLM hates ...
weakest link

Let’s Target the Weakest Links in Our Fight Against Woke Capitalism

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As the majority of American corporations remain entrenched on the left side of policy debates, conservatives may wonder if there's any hope in pushing them back to neutral and out of the realm of Woke Capitalism. Free Enterprise Project Associate ...
Donna Jackson discusses Investing in America on OAN

Donna Jackson Criticizes the Biden Administration’s “Green Slush Funds and Payoffs”

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The green-energy initiatives of Bidenomics are neither saving the planet nor improving our nation's financial situation, Project 21's Donna Jackson told One America News' Monica Paige. In fact, Donna called President Biden's Investing in America agenda "a marketing scheme... to ...
Melissa Ortiz of Able Americans with NTD's Kelly Wright

Melissa Ortiz: 61 Million People With Disabilities Are Counting on Us to Develop Good Policies

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On the NTD program "America's Hope with Kelly Wright," Melissa Ortiz explained the mission and current trajectory of the National Center's Able Americans project. The goal of Able Americans, in Melissa's words, is to "move to a free-market, limited-government perspective ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.