Tag: Project 21 Commentary

Europe EU European Union

Richard Holt: European Voters Are Taking Sledgehammer To Continent’s Radical Open Borders And Climate Agenda

Project 21 Commentary /
In a commentary published at the Daily Caller, Project 21 Ambassador Richard Holt notes that the recent European election results reflect a growing dissatisfaction with leftist climate and immigration policies: Voters are increasingly skeptical of policies that they perceive as ...
AM FM radio car

Christopher Arps: House Energy & Commerce Committee Should Save AM Radio and Taxpayers’ Money

Project 21 Commentary /
In a commentary published at RedState, Project 21 Ambassador Christopher Arps praises the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act. Chris explains why maintaining AM radio access in vehicles is critical: Our nation’s public warning systems, which taxpayers have rightfully invested ...
BYD electric vehicles China

Christopher Arps: Stop China From Spying on American Drivers

Project 21 Commentary /
"Modern connected vehicles have morphed into data collection vacuums," laments Project 21 Ambassador Christopher Arps in a commentary published at RedState. "With China becoming the world’s top EV exporter — and the Chinese Communist Party having access to data collected ...
school choice private school

Mike Hill: Parents, Not Government, Make the Best Educational Decisions for Children

Project 21 Commentary /
Project 21 Ambassador Mike Hill, who once served in the Florida House of Representatives, would love to see what's happening these days in Florida schools become a nationwide trend. Last year Florida Governor Ron DeSantis passed school choice legislation that ...
Drake Bell

Patrina Mosley: ‘Quiet On Set’ Exposes How Pornography Inspired Abuse Of Nickelodeon Child Actors

Project 21 Commentary /
At The Federalist, Project 21 Ambassador Patrina Mosley reviews the docuseries "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV," noting that the series "indirectly showcased the role pornography played in the sexual abuse and harassment" of Nickelodeon child actors ...
Craig DeLuz: Today's College Students Are Being Educated Into Imbecility

Craig DeLuz: Today’s College Students Are Being Educated Into Imbecility

Project 21 Commentary /
"The upheaval happening on college campuses today is no accident," writes Project 21 Ambassador Craig DeLuz in a commentary published at The Washington Times and the Sacramento Observer. "It is the fruition of a long-standing trend towards Marxist indoctrination within ...

Rev. David Lowery, Jr.: Chicago’s Death Spiral

Project 21 Commentary /
"The citizens of Chicago have had enough!" declares Project 21 Ambassador Rev. David Lowery, Jr., in a commentary published at Newsmax. He continues: They have had enough of funding illegal aliens with their hard-earned tax dollars. They have had enough ...
black pastor priest church

Rev. Steven Craft: Bible Blasphemy or Act of Godliness?

Project 21 Commentary /
In a point-counterpoint feature syndicated through Inside Sources, Project 21 Ambassador Rev. Steven L. Craft defends former President Donald Trump's marketing of a "God Bless the U.S.A." Bible: God is warning us in the Bible that rebellion and immorality will ultimately ...
female runners athletes

Biden’s Title IX Rewrite Threatens 50 Years of Advancement in Women’s and Girl’s Sports

Project 21 Commentary /
The Biden administration is taking away opportunities for young women, and particularly minority women, who compete in sports with a rewrite of Title IX that considers “gender identity” on par with biological sex. Ambassadors with the Project 21 black leadership ...
Supreme Court abortion

No Laughing Matter: Comedian Bill Maher Says Abortion Is Murder, And That’s OK

Project 21 Commentary /
Bill Maher just said the quiet part out loud. On last Friday's show, the host of "Real Time with Bill Maher" started with a conciliatory tone: “I scold the left when they say [pro-lifers] hate women… they don’t hate women.” ...

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