ARCHIVE – 2012

Don’t Mess With Texas Voters /
On November 6, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe will have dozens of election observers on patrol throughout the United States.  Those detailed to Texas, however, risk arrest if they interfere with the polling process — as it would seem some American special interests would like them to ...

Alleged Research Into Implied Racism Doesn’t Pass Muster /
With all of the concern about obesity, it was a shocking assertion.  Eating more chocolate might help win the Nobel Prize! Believe it or not.  There it was in the New England Journal of Medicine of all places.  Dr. Franz H. Messerli of St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital and Columbia University concluded ...

Is Organic Food Worth It? /
The federal government annually spends millions of taxpayer dollars promoting and regulating organic agriculture. Is it worth it? In a piece for Real Clear Science, I explain why pro-organic arguments made by the likes of popular television health guru, Dr. Oz, are just plain wrong. Remember the large-scale study from ...

Who Could Have Anticipated a Hurricane? Not a Politician /
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, reflecting on the lessons of Hurricane Sandy, as reported by CNBC: "Going forward we are going to have to anticipate these types of extreme weather patterns." Who could have anticipated a hurricane significantly harming New York City? Turns out newspapers, college professors, and most ...

Commentary on Kennedy Center Published in TownHall /
This past weekend, published my commentary based on an earlier blog post that laments the continuing decline in quality of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor at the Kennedy Center. Ellen DeGeneres, probably best known to the American public for having come out of the closet as a ...

Bad Timing Hall of Fame: Voter Fraud Edition /
Voting is at the core of our democratic principles.  When that right is violated, our democracy is violated. Representative Jim Moran (D-VA) wrote this in his regular column in the Falls Church News-Press, a left-wing community newspaper found in the D.C. suburbs run by a former follower of Lyndon LaRouche.  ...

Congressman’s Kid Faces Fraud Investigation /
Less than a day after the release of a Project Veritas video showing Patrick Moran in a discussion with an undercover reporter about vote fraud strategies, police in Arlington County, Virginia announced an investigation into the matter. Moran was a field director for his father’s congressional campaign.  He immediately resigned ...

Obama Endures Modern-Day Poll Tax, Emerges Unscathed /
That wasn’t so hard, was it? Taking advantage of early voting, President Barack Obama cast his general election ballot yesterday in Chicago.  He did not reveal who he voted for. Before the President received his ballot, he had to show the election judge valid ID to prove he was who ...

Vote Fraud Allegations in Virginia Implicate Congressman’s Son /
As Virginia state officials begin investigating one alleged case of vote fraud, the release of a devastating new video shows that the son of a sitting congressman was willing to participate in a conspiracy to commit voter fraud at the polls. The interesting twist is that the congressman now in ...

Cherylyn Harley LeBon and Horace Cooper Named New Project 21 Co-Chairmen /
The National Center for Public Policy Research is pleased to announce the appointment of two new co-chairmen, Cherylyn Harley LeBon and Horace Cooper, to jointly lead Project 21, the black leadership group sponsored by the National Center. This is our formal announcement, just released: Legal Scholars Appointed to Lead Black ...

Crickets Chirping for Kennedy Center Comedy Award… Again /
With the Bears beating the Lions, the Giants routing the Cards and the presidential nominees debating foreign policy this past Monday night, not many people were thinking about the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor being handed out over at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. Once again, it would ...

Legal Scholars Appointed to Lead Black Leadership Group

Press Release /
As Important Public Policy Debates Shift to the Courts, Project 21 Selects Former Senate Judiciary Committee Counsel and a Former Law Professor as Co-Chairmen MSNBC Hosts Expected to Become Even More Unhinged Washington, D.C. - Two seasoned legal scholars, former Senate Judiciary Committee senior counsel Cherylyn Harley LeBon and former ...

Lack of Transparency Trumps Good Policy in Obama Administration /
In an op-ed in today’s, Dr. Henry I. Miller and I explain how a little-known agency originally funded with stimulus dollars could harm your health, in part, because of its lack of transparency. Fortunately, a House appropriations committee has advanced legislation defunding the secretive Agency for Healthcare Research and ...

16 Seconds To Understanding the HHS Birth Control Mandate /
Want to understand what the HHS birth control mandate controversy is all about, but without investing a lot of time? Or want find a way to explain the HHS birth control mandate to someone else, quick? This video explains the issue in a mere 16 seconds. If you have another ...

Nation’s Capital May Cap Drink Sales /
Jumbo Liquor is on H Street NE.  Jumbo Slice Pizza is in Adams Morgan.  Kramerbooks and Afterwords Cafe serves jumbo lump crabcake in one of its “specialty” pasta dishes. Jumbo sodas, however, may become a thing of the past in Washington, D.C. During a recent candidate forum, two current members ...

ID Protections Fit for a King, But Not the American People /
Even in 16th century England, it seems that they understood the importance of showing valid photo ID. I visited the Maryland Renaissance Festival yesterday, set in the mythical 1500s-era English village of Revel Grove.  It was the last day of the festival, but — if I was really a devoted ...

Come On In – the Voting is Fine /
I voted, and I survived. Early voting began in my area on Saturday morning, and I took full advantage of the convenience.  I stopped by the county government center near my house on the way home from errands. Despite all of the liberal handwringing over how our electoral process is ...

Putting Voting Rights Critics in Perspective /
In June of 2011, Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) — the head of the Democratic National Committee — told host Roland Smith on TV One that people who are supporting laws enacted to prevent voter fraud want to “literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws” and ...

New Profile Unveils Earthworks’ Extremist Funding and Severe Job-Killing Positions

Press Release /
Earthworks' Campaigns Harm American Workers, Energy Independence and National Security Washington, D.C. - A new profile of the radical environmental group Earthworks published by the National Center for Public Policy Research finds that Earthworks - which has helped lead opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline and the yet-to-be proposed ...

Federally-Funded School Suspends Diversity Diva Over Outrageous Petition Panic /
For the audacity of wanting a vote, a Maryland woman may lose her job. Earlier this year, Angela McCaskill and over 200,000 other Maryland voters innocuously signed a petition to turn the state’s recently-passed gay marriage law into a referendum (now on the ballot for this November).  If passed, it ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.