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2012 Was Warmest Year? Not So Fast…, by Teresa Platt /
The United Nation’s Inter-governmental Panel on (Man’s Tiny Contribution to) Climate Change (UNIPCC) meeting in Doha, Qatar at the end of 2012 generated an avalanche of “global warming” and “catostrophic climate change” headlines. All very, very frightening. Then, on Christmas ...

Dough-Ha-Ha: Agenda 21 Treaty Establishes New Bank Account, by Teresa Platt /
Just after Thanksgiving weekend 2012, more than 17,000 people gathered in Doha, Qatar to contemplate a new and improved United Nations’ “climate change” treaty.  Negotiations stalled - but a new bank account was established for the purpose of transferring more ...

Bubble Trouble: Toast To A Very Happy – And Carbon-Neutralized – New Year! by Teresa Platt /
On New Year’s Eve, corks popped, champagne flowed.  Bubbles fizzed in soda pop, bubbled up in the beer.  We raised our flutes to the light and studied the bubbles. Carbon dioxide.  CO2.  The bubbles that cause so much trouble in ...

Killing Old King Coal, by Teresa Platt /
God blessed America with abundant sources of energy in the form of oil, natural gas and about 10,000 years’ worth of coal, more fossil fuel reserves than anywhere else on the planet.  However, most of these blessings are completely off-limits due ...

Free Markets, Restricted Markets, by Teresa Platt /
The same week that the movie I, Pencil premiered to rave reviews in one section of DC, in another part of town others were calculating just how many restrictions were tying up free people attempting - often futilely - to create ...

Oceans Refuse To Cooperate: Global “Warming” (1.3ºF over 140 years) “On Pause,” by Teresa Platt /
The Daily Mail’s David Rose reported (Oct. 13, 2012) that the United Kingdom’s National Weather Service, the Met Office, had very quietly posted to its website proof that “global warming stopped 16 years ago.” Mr. Rose explained: The new data, ...

Bureaucratic Bottlenecks Leave People Cold, by Teresa Platt /
Japan’s March 11, 2011 8.9 earthquake triggered a tsunami which, in turn, devastated coastal towns, tore down power lines, damaged nuclear power facilities, and cracked the Ishibuchi dam. Beyond extensive damage to property and the environment, the harm to Japan’s ...

New Yorkers Rally To Pass Gas, by Teresa Platt /
Upstate New York is a land of bucolic hillsides, where farmers wake up to find - as I did when I recently visited friends there - that the horse has escaped from the corral and is, once again, eating the ...

Teresa Platt Named Director of National Center for Public Policy Research’s Environment and Enterprise Institute

Press Release /
Free Market Think Tank Announces Expansion: Okay, Mr. President, You Built That Washington, D.C. - Teresa Platt, a 26-year veteran of the environmental policy debate, has been named director of The National Center for Public Policy Research's Environment and Enterprise ...

Arctic Council Meeting Proves It’s A Circular World

The Arctic Council, an intergovernmental organization, held its eighth annual meeting this week in Sweden. History was made when Nunavut’s Leona Aglukkaq took over the helm of the Arctic Council, becoming the first Inuk ever to lead the Council. Artic ...

The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today’s public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.